10 Common Causes Of Hair Loss

From an unbalanced diet to stressful situations, hair can fall out for a variety of reasons. If we want to deal with hair loss properly, it is important to recognize the causes.
10 common causes of hair loss

Every time you take a shower you are afraid that you might go bald. Not to mention the hair that remains in your brush. However, there are obvious causes of hair loss that you can become aware of.

While it is  normal to lose a little hair,  it is less ‘okay’ if we find large tufts of hair in the shower drain, in the brush or on the pillow.

In today’s article, we will discuss some of the reasons why hair can fall out.

When is it normal to lose hair?

It can be devastating for some people to lose their hair. However, it is important to know that it is not always an issue that we should be concerned about.

In fact, it is normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs every day.

Hair loss is part of a physiological process that goes through several stages:

  • grow first
  • than a stable intermediate phase
  • eventually failure

Knowing these stages, we understand that when hair falls out,  it makes room for new, healthy hair.

This trade-off is natural, and in most cases, the hair that has fallen out is simply replaced.

In addition, we must keep in mind that  different times of the year are associated with more or less hair loss. For example, we lose more hair on average at the beginning of autumn.

We don’t have to worry about the hairs left in our brush. If we want to know whether measures are necessary, it is best to look at our scalp itself.

For example, if there are bald spots on the head where no or significantly less hair grows, this can be a cause for concern.

The causes of hair loss

In addition to healthy hair loss and the changing seasons, there are a number of factors that contribute to hair loss.

1. Bad Diet

Poor diet is one of the causes of hair loss

Rigid diets, skipping meals (especially breakfast), and eating too quickly are all possible causes of hair loss and other health problems.

A poor diet affects both our inner and outer health, and can also be the cause of a duller complexion or weak nails.

2. Anemia

A lack of iron in our blood can also lead to hair loss.

During menstruation, women are often deficient in iron and lose more hair. People who suffer from anemia experience something similar.

3. Drug Use

Drug use

Hair loss is one of the side effects of many medications. Read the package inserts carefully, especially if the medicines you are taking contain beta-blockers, heparin, amphetamine or L-DOPA.

4. Use of Chemicals

Excessive use of any hair product can have negative consequences. Even hair loss remedies can backfire if you use them too much.

Certain products, such as hair dye or chemical treatments to style your hair,  contain ingredients that are harmful to our health  (such as ammonia). These remedies can weaken our hair follicles and make hair loss worse.

If you’re losing a lot of hair, it may be a good idea to stop using hair dye, or reduce it over time.

5. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes and hair loss

In addition to the iron deficiency that occurs during menstruation, the hormones also undergo  a ‘revolution’, which can have an effect on our hair.

The same also applies to the following situations:

  • pregnancy
  • give birth to a child
  • menopause
  • certain diseases
  • treatments that adjust hormone levels (such as fertility treatments)

6. Thyroid Problems

If the thyroid gland is not working properly and functioning more slowly than normal, it has many consequences for our health.

Thyroid complications are one of the possible causes of hair loss. It does not lead to bald spots but to hair loss over the entire scalp.

You may encounter tufts of hair in the shower drain, in your hairbrush, or on your pillow.

7. Stress

Stress can lead to hair loss

Daily worries, obligations, pent-up work, abrupt changes… they can all cause stress. Stress can have several consequences, including hair loss.

Hair loss can even show up  months after the stressful period or situation. We may encounter more loose strands of hair as we take on new responsibilities (such as preparing an annual report at work) or approaching an important event (such as moving house or getting married).

8. Being Too Rough

Hair needs to be treated in a certain way to prevent hair loss.

If we often wear tight hairstyles with clips and elastic bands, if we use a flat iron or hair dryer, or if we sleep with our hair in a ponytail, it is likely that our hair is damaged and weak.

Also, be careful when using plastic hair brushes with sharp, closely spaced bristles. These quickly damage your hair and pull out hair with every movement.

9. Depression


You may not be able to imagine it, but feelings of hopelessness, depression or low self-esteem can take a toll on our physical and external health.

Trauma and unresolved emotional pain  are possible causes of hair loss.

10. Time of Year

We may have evolved considerably more than the primates our ancestors were, but we still have a lot in common.

It is a natural reaction of the body to adapt to the changeable climate it is in.

You can observe this process in your pet: they will lose more hair in certain seasons, but there is no reason to start a treatment to prevent this.

Moulting keeps animals cool in the summer and warm in the winter. The human body has a similar system. 

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