3 Menus For Cellulite Prevention

Recent studies have shown that cellulite is more common in some ethnic groups than in others. In any case, it occurs worldwide in the female population. Today we would like to give you some tips for the prevention of cellulite.
3 menus for the prevention of cellulite

If you’ve tried different cellulite prevention techniques and still haven’t gotten good results, it may be time to implement a cellulite prevention diet.

First, however, it is important to remember that cellulite is a common and normal condition in women. Recent studies have shown that cellulite is more common in some ethnic groups than in others.

For example, the percentage of women with this aesthetic condition is minimal in China. In contrast, 90% of women of childbearing age in Latin America have cellulite.

What is cellulite?

Someone shows cellulite on leg

Cellulite is a condition in which the skin has an uneven, bumpy appearance. It usually affects the buttocks and thighs, but can occur in other areas as well. This condition occurs when fat deposits form.

In general, it is an aesthetic skin condition that occurs mainly in women. It is due to the accumulation of fatty subcutaneous tissue in certain parts of the body. This concentration causes the appearance of thick nodules. Read more about it in this English article.

Although many seem to think so, cellulite has nothing to do with being overweight. In fact, many thin women have it too. Nevertheless, this is one of those ailments that almost everyone despises and tries to hide. Therefore, here we give some ideas to prevent and reduce it.

Cellulite vs Orange Peel

Tight skin vs orange peel

Good nutrition and regular exercise are the basic pillars of cellulite prevention. People often refer to skin that looks uneven as orange peel.

This aesthetic condition appears due to the accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue. These accumulations then push against the skin until eventually a kind of network consisting of small irregularities can be seen.

As with any health problem, you need to take care of your entire body to prevent and reduce cellulite. A good diet, as well as an active life, are the keys to ending it once and for all.

The best diet for cellulite prevention

  • First of all, you should add leafy greens, cucumbers and vegetables to your diet. Spinach is particularly good. These foods have anti-inflammatory effects and are excellent diuretics.
  • In addition, tomato paste is an ideal ally to reduce cellulite. You may not know it, but tomato contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that prevents oxidative damage. It also filters out the toxins that often damage your skin.
  • Eggplant contains a lot of potassium. This stimulates lymphatic drainage and eliminates fluid retention, one of the main causes of cellulite.
  • Pineapple can also help you reduce the appearance of cellulite as it contains bromelain. This is an enzyme that, among other things, helps to break down fat. Pineapple is a natural diuretic.
  • Finally, include cranberries, blackberries, strawberries and artichokes in your diet. These foods are a good source of antioxidants and their consumption can lead to glowing, smooth skin.

3 menus for the prevention of cellulite

Pineapple for cellulite prevention

Include natural antioxidants and diuretic foods like pineapple in your diet to prevent cellulite. Below are 3 menus to try.


  • Ginger lemon infusion, oatmeal and kefir.
  • Milk with pure cocoa and wholemeal bread with tomato and oil.
  • A bowl of yogurt with chia seeds and strawberries and green tea.


  • 5 strawberries and rye toast with hummus.
  • Apricots and raw almonds.
  • 2 plums.


  • Lentils with spinach and quinoa leaves.
  • Spinach cannelloni with tomato and tofu.
  • Vegetable broth, tofu and vegetarian paella.


  • Pineapple slices and yogurt.
  • Milk with whole grain cereal and cinnamon.
  • Kefir with cocoa beans or dark chocolate and an orange.


  • Omelette with mushroom and zucchini
  • Stuffed zucchini with carrot and onion, hake fillet and 2 plums.
  • Julienne soup with leeks, celery and carrots with a boiled egg and a pear rolled in cinnamon.

Follow these recommendations in your diet and you will see the results. Remember, you may not be able to eliminate it, but you can reduce cellulite. Just be consistent and don’t forget to add exercise routines to your diet.

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