3 Reasons To Use Self-dialogue To Your Advantage

Self-dialogue can be negative and condition us in our daily lives. How can we improve it and turn it into something positive? Find out how you can use self-dialogue to your advantage in the following article.
3 reasons to use self-dialogue to your advantage

Do you know what self-dialogue is? Do you find yourself doing it? Today we want to tell you how you can use self-dialogue to your advantage. Self-dialogue is a conversation we have with ourselves without realizing it.

For example, if we make a mistake and say to ourselves, “I messed up, how come I couldn’t?” It is normal not to verbalize it, although there may be times when we do.

The biggest problem with self-dialogue is that it tends to focus on the negative. We can certainly identify with expressions we say to ourselves, such as “well, that didn’t go well again” . If we analyze our self-dialogue for just a few days, we will find that we talk quite badly to ourselves.

This self-dialogue of disapproval, if maintained over time, will eventually damage our self-esteem. We’re not as bad as we think we are, and we’re not as bad because we’ve done something specific.

Reasons to use self-dialogue to your advantage

There are many reasons to start practicing self-dialogue to your advantage. We often talk to ourselves and treat ourselves very badly, and since we usually don’t put it into words, we don’t even think about whether what we say to ourselves is good or bad. The truth is that this affects us more than we think.

1. It affects our emotions

Woman faces a split

When we talk to ourselves, we are able to see situations differently or make more accurate decisions. This reassures us, creates calm and helps us to manage our emotions much better.

2. Increases Self-Knowledge

Another reason to talk to yourself is that it allows you to get to know yourself better. We are able to connect with ourselves, with what happens to us and with what we feel. We could say that self-dialogue enriches us.

3. Reduces Anticipatory Anxiety

This is a condition that many people suffer from. Anticipatory anxiety occurs when nothing has happened yet that could cause it. Talking to ourselves can help reduce it and prevent it from appearing.

Tips for Practicing Positive Self-Dialogue

Now that you’ve read all of these great reasons to practice self-dialogue, you may be wondering how to get started? A number of people unconsciously communicate with themselves and even use self-dialogue to their advantage. Many others, like you might, need some tips to get started with this powerful tool.

Keep a diary


Keeping a journal is useful because it is a tool that we can all use and that we only need to spend a few minutes a day on. It also helps you look back at what you’ve written and think about it from a perspective that can help you.

Questioning your self-dialogue

Another way to improve your self-dialogue is to question it. To do that, you need to go back to what you wrote in the journal and ask yourself some questions, such as “Do I judge who I am instead of how I’ve behaved?”

Changing the way we talk to ourselves

If the answer to whether you’re being too negative and only seeing the bad part of what happened is yes, then it’s time to make a change. All those phrases you say to yourself can hurt you.

We often talk negatively to ourselves and it is essential that we change this. Some examples of positive phrases you can say to yourself include the following:

  • I am a human. I may make mistakes, but I will learn and improve from them.
  • I’m going to work on my cover letter, take a course, or keep handing out resumes. I’m sure I’ll be accepted.

While this may seem crazy, it works. Our self-dialogue is powerful and it is important that we use it. Most of us speak to ourselves in a way we would never speak to anyone else. So here’s the key: we need to take care of ourselves and respect ourselves as we would for other people.

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