5 Natural Remedies For Skin Irritation After Shaving

Apply the following natural remedies and reduce your bumps in a short time.
5 natural remedies for skin irritation after shaving

Have you ever experienced skin irritation after shaving? This phenomenon can be so painful that it has been given its own scientific name: pseudofolliculitis.

These bumps form when your hairs start to grow again. These hairs are supposed to grow outwards. Instead, they grow into the skin.

It is not a serious medical problem. However, it can be painful and irritating. The next time this bothers you, try not to scratch. This only exacerbates the problem.

How do I know if I have pseudofolliculitis and not something else?

Your skin is sensitive to a variety of factors, from natural to chemical. It is therefore important to know for sure whether you really suffer from skin irritation after shaving. This way you know whether the treatments below are suitable or not. Pseudofolliculitis has the following symptoms:

  • An outbreak occurs in areas that you have recently shaved or scratched.
  • You can see the hairs that haven’t broken through the skin yet. If you have dark skin, you can run your fingers over the area to see if it is indeed hair.

1. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil helps against skin irritation after shaving

Tea tree oil can help your body in several ways. In this case, it can help as a powerful antiseptic. It fights inflammation and can help if you don’t feel well. A tip: if you use oils,  dilute them a bit. This way you prevent unwanted skin reactions.

  • For this treatment you only need 2 tablespoons of tea tree oil, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a cotton pad.
  • You just need to mix both oils.
  • When the mixture is ready, first wash the area around the ingrown hair.
  • Dab the cotton pad in the oil and use it over the affected area.

You do not need to rinse off the oil with this treatment. Apply the mixture twice a day until the bumps disappear. Do you have extra sensitive skin? Then apply the oil immediately after shaving. This will prevent the bumps from forming.

2. Cold compress

A cold compress is another good way to treat skin irritation after shaving. You notice the effect immediately: it reduces inflammation, redness and itching. This product is perfect for your bikini line. You will see that you can put on your favorite piece of clothing again without pain in a few minutes.

  • All you need is a few ice cubes and a tea towel.
  • To make your own cold compress, wrap the ice cubes in the tea towel and place it on the irritated skin.
  • Repeat this  as often as needed per day  .

3. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel can be medicinal

Witch hazel can be incredibly beneficial for your skin. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and can therefore counteract skin irritation after shaving.

It is also a natural antiseptic. This is good because pseudofolliculitis can lead to infections if not treated properly. These wounds are not that serious in themselves. However, they can open through abrasive clothing or if you scratch them, with all the associated complications.

  • For this you need 3 tablespoons of witch hazel distillate and a cotton pad.
  • Apply this toner on a cotton pad.
  • Apply this as often as needed. After each time you will notice that the bumps slowly disappear.

4. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is anti-inflammatory

Apple cider vinegar is another good option to help reduce skin irritation after shaving. It stimulates rapid healing, can have an anti-inflammatory effect and dries out the bumps.

While it can be effective it is not ideal for everyone. For example, do not use this treatment if you have sensitive skin. Do not apply it to your bikini line. This can be very painful.

  • For this treatment you will need one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a cotton pad.
  • You just need to soak the cotton pad in the apple cider vinegar and then apply it.
  • Let it air dry and rinse with cold water.
  • Repeat this process three times a day until the burning sensation goes away.

5. Baking Soda

Baking soda has many unique properties

Another simple treatment is baking soda with water. This mixture provides immediate relief  without additional risks. When you apply it you will quickly feel better and refreshed. Therefore, baking soda is recommended, not only as a remedy for skin irritation after shaving, but also after insect bites.

  • You only need 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of water.
  • Mix it into a homogeneous mixture and apply it to the skin.
  • Let this  rest for ten minutes.
  • Cover it with gauze or a towel to prevent it from bleeding.
  • Then rinse it off with cold water.

What should I avoid if I have skin irritation after shaving?

We know this can be a very painful problem. Therefore, avoid the following things that can only make it worse:

  • Avoid scratching. The best thing to do is not to scratch for at least three days after the bumps appear. Try to avoid it altogether, or at least until your skin irritation has subsided.
  • Avoid squeezing the bumps. It often seems to help for a while, but after a few hours you will soon see sores appear that can easily become irritated.
  • Replace your razor on  time. Using a dull razor can cause skin irritation after shaving. Therefore, replace your blade on time.

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