5 Powerful Ways Aloe Vera Protects Your Heart

Aloe vera gel is a perfect way to lower your cholesterol and triglycerides while also controlling and balancing your glucose. Learn about the powerful ways aloe vera protects your heart in this article!

Aloe vera is a perennial with fleshy leaves and miraculous powers. New applications are discovered every day that allow aloe vera to improve your health.

It’s interesting how nature sometimes gives us exceptional resources for good health. For example, aloe vera helps you to optimize your digestion. In addition, it gives you healthy skin and even strengthens your cardiovascular system.

Now we must point out that aloe vera does not “cure” diseases on its own. However, aloe vera can help you fight ailments. It also promotes overall health. 

Today we want to talk about something remarkable, which is how aloe vera can protect your heart.

We explain to you how this is…

How  aloe vera protects your heart

1. It regulates your cholesterol

aloe vera

The good cholesterol is HDL. This stands for high-density lipoprotein in English. It is one of two types of cholesterol that you have in your blood. The other kind is LDL: a low-density lipoprotein.

We call it “good” because  it helps carry excess LDL  in your blood to your liver. There the body can remove it from the blood and excrete it.

But does this mean that the higher the HDL levels, the better it is for your health?

We have to be careful with this. Some people have a genetic condition that can cause serious problems. It is best to keep your cholesterol levels  in balance. It can aloe vera  help.

Aloe vera is very effective because it not only increases your good cholesterol, but also maintains  a good balance between these two types .

2. It Lowers Your Triglyceride Levels

Interestingly, today we often hear about the importance of lowering your cholesterol.

However,  your triglycerides  are  the real merciless enemies.

High levels of triglycerides in your blood means  you’re not burning all the extra energy in your body. As a result, it is stored as fat. 

Hypertriglyceridemia is a silent threat to your heart health.

So when it goes above its normal range (below 150 mg/dl), you have a higher risk of heart disease and conditions like pancreatitis.

 3. It lowers your blood sugar


Aloe vera contains glucomannan:  a type of soluble fiber that can lower blood sugar levels, among other things. 

It also contains anthroquinones; these are a type of phenols. They balance your blood sugars. In doing so, they work together with lectins, among other things.

To see the positive results,  take a tablespoon of aloe vera dissolved in a glass of warm water daily . Do this for  two months.

The anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and healing properties of aloe vera  can also help you. It is one of the healthiest plants available for people with diabetes.

4. It lowers your blood pressure

That aloe vera juice helps you lower your blood pressure is for a specific reason. Namely the  high vitamin C content. 

Remember that  vitamin C is great for your veins. In addition, it ensures good circulation and an excellent oxygen supply. 

In addition, it makes your small blood vessels slightly wider and also improves the elasticity of the blood vessels. Finally, it also helps in treating arteriosclerosis.

5. A strong heart thanks to aloe vera

aloe vera

Arigine is one of several amino acids found in aloe vera. In fact, it’s  one of the most important amino acids for heart health.

Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid. Your body can produce this itself in small amounts. In addition  , you must get it through your food or in the form of supplements.

For example, it is in peanuts, walnuts, and -of course- in aloe vera. When you consume small amounts of arginine, you get a:

  • Stronger heart  that pumps your blood better.
  • Better blood circulation, so that you  can excrete waste better.
  • Optimal blood flow by helping to produce nitric oxide. This causes your blood vessels to expand slightly.

Ultimately, aloe vera will not cure you of a heart condition.

What it does do is  regulate fundamental health aspects such as your cholesterol or fluid retention. These are  important factors for your health.

So add aloe vera to your diet!

Featured Image Courtesy of © wikiHow.com 

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