5 Products You Should Not Give Children For Breakfast

We often eat dairy products for breakfast. But actually half an hour after breakfast is the best time to eat this food. This is especially true for children.
5 products you should not give children for breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Therefore, you should make it with care, especially for your kids. It is therefore better not to give some foods for breakfast  if you want your children to grow up strong and healthy.

To make a good breakfast you have to take into account two aspects: hunger and a feeling of fullness. When it comes to children, you should pay even more attention to this.

In this article we give you an overview of a number of foods that you should not give to your children for breakfast. A few surprises await you…

5 products you should not give children for breakfast

Products that you should not give children at breakfast

 Drinking too much fruit juice can irritate the mucous membranes in your stomach. They can also cause an excessive production of hydrochloric acid.

These types of drinks also contain a large amount of psoralens and furocoumarins. These ingredients make the skin more sensitive to the sun’s rays.

So it is one of the products that your children should not give for breakfast. The best alternative to fruit juice is a good tea.

Young and old love sugared breakfast cereals. But they are not exactly the healthiest choice to eat for breakfast.

These products contain far too much sugar. There are no less than three hundred and sixty-three calories in one hundred grams of these grains. It is therefore better not to give this at breakfast.

An alternative is unsweetened breakfast cereals with fiber. Because these are healthy and give you nutrients that you don’t get from sugary breakfast cereals.

Remember that the latter are full of empty calories. You and your kids will be hungry again soon after eating it.

These foods are obviously very healthy. Only we recommend not to eat them for breakfast.

Because you have to take into account that they contain a number of acids that can give a bored feeling on an empty stomach. Tomatoes, for example, are high in pectin and tannic acid. These ingredients can cause stomach ulcers.

The perfect alternative (and it may sound a bit strange) is vegetable soup. That’s because this soup doesn’t cause gas or heartburn during the day.

Products that your children should not give at breakfast dairy products

Eating or drinking dairy for breakfast is a widespread habit. But the truth is, you shouldn’t have this for breakfast. That is not the best time of day to eat this type of food.

Dairy products are not toxic to children. But when your children eat or drink them for breakfast, you will notice that their properties have no real effect.

  • This is important to know: if you eat or drink dairy on an empty stomach, the lactic acid bacteria (lactobacillus and bifid bacteria) end up in an acidic environment. As a result, they die in your stomach before they reach your intestines.

So the best way is to eat or drink them half an hour after breakfast.

  • We do propose a good alternative to complete your breakfast: drink a good kind of blueberry juice.

This juice contains the recommended daily dose of vitamins C, A, E and K. In addition, it also provides you with the daily necessary amount of B complex vitamins. On top of that, it’s also a great source of microelements. Examples include potassium, phosphorus and calcium.

It is better not to eat foods that contain a lot of fast-acting carbohydrates for breakfast. You can find these types of carbohydrates in bread, for example. The problem is that they affect your blood sugar. As a result, your pancreas will work harder and produce more insulin.

The result of this and of a possible excess of insulin is that you will accumulate more fat. This also happens in children.

We also have some important information about baked foods that need to rise, especially warm bread rolls. Almost immediately after you eat these sandwiches, they begin to have an effect on your gut. Because they will cause an excessive production of gas.

Some more recommendations

Recommendations for products not to give children for breakfast

You probably want to feed your kids breakfast at home. Then keep a few things in mind. The most important thing is to find a balance.

That is the first point of attention. But also think about what other foods they will eat during the rest of the day. What will they eat at school and what will be on the menu when they get home?

With this overview you can ensure that their diet will be complete and as balanced as possible at the end of the day.

It is also the reason that more and more organizations that make the school meals are turning to nutritionists for help. So that’s not a weird idea at all.

At the same time, they take into account suggestions for evening meals, breakfasts and snacks.

You can also look at those proposals yourself if you don’t have inspiration one day. But balance is always the key.

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