5 Sugar Substitutes You Should Know About

If you want to sweeten your food, there are alternatives that may be much healthier than sugar. In addition, they can offer you more benefits. But it is important that you always choose the organic variety, not the refined one.
5 sugar substitutes you should definitely know

More and more people are looking for healthy, natural sugar substitutes. Consuming too much refined sugar is one of the factors associated with developing metabolic problems or cardiovascular disease.

The food industry has tried to hide these effects for many decades, but recent studies show how dangerous eating too much sugar can be for your entire body.

It is delicious, of course, and an inevitable part of the diet of millions of people, but the presence of sugar in your body can cause various imbalances. Most disturbingly, it can be highly addictive. Moreover, sugar is present in many products that you eat every day.

More and more people are concerned about the negative effects that surround eating sugar. That is why they take measures to remove sugar from their diet as much as possible.

The good news is that there are certain natural sugar substitutes for sale.   In exchange for a few calories, they serve as a sweetener in various recipes. Would you like to know which sugar substitutes these are?

1. Coconut sugar

coconut sugar

Coconut sugar is a natural product that has been used for many years in traditional Asian cuisine as a natural sweetener. Despite this, this sugar substitute only became known in western countries a few years ago. All in all, this is one of the healthier sugar substitutes.

The glycemic index is only 35. In addition , it provides a significant amount of essential minerals that can be good for your overall health.

It also contains a reasonable amount of vitamin C. Therefore, the use of coconut sugar can contribute to getting the daily recommended amount of vitamin C.

And if that weren’t enough, it’s one of the most sustainable sugar substitutes in the world. Coconut sugar comes from a tree that is very beneficial to the environment. The coconut palm restores the soil and it does not need much water. In addition , they produce more sugar per hectare than sugar cane.

2. Yacon syrup

Yacón syrup is a natural sugar substitute that stands out for its very low glycemic index. In addition, it contains large amounts of essential minerals and nutrients.

Eating the syrup does not interfere with blood sugar levels. It also has no effect on your metabolism. This is because the syrup does not contain many calories. Unlike what happens with traditional sugar, yacón syrup can promote weight loss and normalize bowel movements.

It has a sweet taste and is a bit thinner in consistency than honey. It has many good qualities. One that stands out is that it can be a very effective prebiotic.

3. Honey


Organic honey is one of the best known and most widely used sugar substitutes in the world. What is striking is the great energetic value. In addition, it contains essential nutrients and antibiotic components.

But honey does contain a bit more calories. Nevertheless, it is one of the best options for sweetening recipes. It even has hundreds of medicinal uses that you could potentially benefit from. Honey can prevent and treat many ailments.

But it is important that you look at the origin and quality. The reason for this is that some companies market refined versions or mix the honey with traditional sugar.

4. Stevia

Stevia is not the most popular of the sugar substitutes on the market today, but it is one of the sweetest and healthiest sugar substitutes.

Stevia’s ability to sweeten anything is many times greater than sugar’s sweetening power, but it won’t provide you with as many calories. Also , it doesn’t make your blood sugar rise as much, as long as you consume it in moderation. In its natural state, it can be so sweet that many people mix it with cellulose powder. This makes it easier to dose the sweetening power.

5. Agave Syrup

Agave syrup

This natural product originates from Central America. In fact, it is one of the most popular sugar substitutes. This is partly because the glycemic index is only 30. That’s only half the glycemic index of traditional sugar.

This means your body will absorb it more slowly. Thus, agave syrup can help prevent your blood sugar levels from becoming imbalanced. It can also help prevent major spikes in your blood sugars. Instead, you will find that it is a good source of energy for good mental and physical exertion.

You can find two different versions in stores. It is best to opt for the dark syrup. The reason for this is that this variant is less refined than the light syrup. Agave syrup is up to 25 percent sweeter than traditional sugar. It is used in the same way as honey.

Choose healthy sugar substitutes

While not all of these sugar substitutes are equally well-known, they are all good alternatives. They may be the best options for sweetening your food without affecting your health.

You should keep in mind that there are different qualities of these products available. The lower quality products are often mixed with sugar, corn syrup and other chemicals that affect their properties. So always choose the 100 organic option, although these are slightly more expensive.

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