6 Medicinal Plants That Detoxify Your Blood

By consuming medicinal plants, you can detoxify your blood and, as a result, combat fatigue
6 medicinal plants that detoxify your blood

Do you feel tired, bloated and have dry, dull skin? These can all be signs that your blood is full of toxins and waste. This means that you not only lack vitamins, but also that your cells are saturated with substances that need to be removed. In this article we describe some medicinal plants for you which can help detoxify your blood.

The health of our blood

red platelets

As most people know, the organs responsible for clearing our blood of all types of waste are the kidneys and liver.

A good way to help them perform their function better is with a balanced diet (which also includes teas). This will stimulate the detoxification process of the blood.

Having healthy blood is very important, as it not only helps to prevent certain diseases, but also avoids dry and dull skin. It also keeps the cells in good condition, which prevents premature aging.

That is why it is vital to keep your body in good shape, by ensuring that your diet contains all the basic nutrients and that you are not deficient in vitamins.

Also, occasionally use detoxifying remedies to keep your blood clean, healthy, and pure. In this article we show you how medicinal herbs can help with this.

How can I detoxify my blood?

Before we explain to you which types of herbal teas are the best for detoxifying the blood, we also want to tell you which foods can help you:

  • Useful fruits : lemon, grapes, oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, blueberries, kiwi, strawberry etc.
  • Vegetables that can help purify your blood : garlic, onion, carrot, celery, parsley, Brussels sprouts, soy, etc.

Detoxifying Herbs and Medicinal Plants

1. Burdock Root

Burdock root in tea

This is a perfect detoxifying plant for the circulatory and lymphatic system. You can find it at your local health food store. Burdock root has known detoxifying effects, improves blood flow, prevents fluid retention and swelling and much more.

Through this plant we will remove more waste through our skin and urine. This also lowers the concentration of uric acid in our body. We can’t ask for more, can we?

It is, because burdock root does a lot more: it works great in the treatment of arthritis, sciatica, gout, rashes, acne, heartburn, kidney and gallstones, liver disorders, cystitis, herpes, fever, diabetes…

Just add a teaspoon of burdock root to a cup of boiling water. You can drink up to 2 cups a day. You will soon notice that you feel much better.

2. Elderflower

A cup of elderflower tea

Have you ever heard of this? It is a very good laxative, but also has cleansing and antiseptic properties.

It reduces swelling, contains natural antibacterial agents, detoxifies the blood  and is good for the kidneys and liver. You can find it in health food stores, both in liquid form and in tablets. If possible, drink a cup of elderflower tea after every meal. It has numerous advantages.

3. Nettle

A glass of nettle tea

No doubt you have already heard about the many positive properties of nettle. There is nothing better than a good cup of nettle tea in the morning. Nettle works very well as a detoxifier, because it removes harmful substances from the body and blood very quickly.

It is also a diuretic and like elderflower it is very good for the liver and kidneys. Without a doubt, nettles are a good choice.

4. Dandelion

Tea with dandelion

A perfect afternoon drink. Dandelion tea will help you eliminate waste products and improve your blood circulation. Just add some flowers to a cup of hot water and let it soak for 5 minutes before drinking.

5. Hyssop

Tea with hyssop

Have you ever heard about the fantastic properties of hyssop, which helps to detoxify the blood and remove harmful fats from the body? You can find this plant in health food stores.

There they will surely tell you about the incredible ability of this plant to help you lose weight and improve the quality of your blood. It is best to drink two cups of this tea per day. Just add a teaspoon of hyssop leaves to a cup of boiling water.

6. Aloe Vera

A spoon with aloe vera

Everyone loves aloe vera, a medicinal plant that is good for countless ailments, ranging from boosting the immune system to detoxifying, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. It is also a healing plant for the liver and kidneys, which revitalizes the entire body.

A good idea is to make an aloe tea every afternoon. For this you need a tablespoon of the gel that is in the leaf of the plant. Gently scrape the gel into a cup of boiling water and mix well.

Then let it stand for 4 minutes before drinking it. If you don’t like the taste, we recommend adding a few drops of lemon juice to the tea. It works great!

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