6 Techniques For Better Posture

Bad posture can have a very negative impact on your spine. That’s why we’ll show you how to adopt a better posture.
6 techniques for better posture

If you spend hours a day in front of the computer or have to stand a lot at work, your spine may not be fully aligned. Better posture is vital for your general health, as well as preventing back pain (which is very common today).

In today’s article, we’ll discuss some techniques to improve your posture.

What affects the position of your spine?


Actually everything. Your spine is your main support system and it’s important to take good care of it. Poor posture can lead to serious and potentially irreversible problems, such as a hernia and chronic fatigue.

But it is more than just discomfort caused by sitting, standing or walking incorrectly.

For example, women often suffer from hip misalignment. How is this possible? When we rest, we often rest our entire weight on one of our two legs.  Wearing high heels or carrying a heavy shoulder bag can make this problem worse.

Having bad posture is more common thanks to the type of work most people do today. Other factors that contribute to this are:

  • the increase in obese people
  • a lack of physical activity
  • frequent use of technology (smartphones, tablets and laptops)

When you bend your head to read a message or check your email, your spine slackens and your body hangs forward. Did you know that this is one of the main causes of neck pain?

What does better posture look like?

Some people only focus on the back and shoulders when exercising or lifting weights.  However, you should always pay attention to your posture, everywhere and at any time. Whether you are in the supermarket, traveling by metro or watching television at home.

Here we discuss a number of times in the day where you probably don’t pay attention to your posture.

when you sit

Sit with a better posture

The soles of your feet should be flat on the floor, your back should be straight and your shoulders should hang down and back.  Crossing your legs  can interrupt your circulation, which can lead to fatigue and swelling.

if you stand

Your knees should be slightly bent and your abs should be able to expand as you breathe, distributing your weight between the legs and chest.

when you walk

Your neck and shoulders should be straight.  So don’t look down as this can cause neck pain. Also make sure that your heels touch the ground first and then your toes.

When you sleep

To sleep

The best sleeping position is on your side with your knees bent. This helps to keep your spine straight. It is also best to use a good quality mattress. Good pillows, which you change from time to time, are also very important.

When you drive

Better posture is good for your spine and also for your safety. If you sit upright, you are likely to be less likely to be injured in an accident.

To do this, do not lean your entire weight against the backrest or headrest.  Also, adjust your seat so you can hit the pedals well without having to sit on the edge of your seat.

How can you get better posture?

There are a number of techniques that can help you keep your back straight at any time of the day. At first glance, it may seem strange to keep reminding yourself to ‘sit up straight’.

Your spine and muscles may hurt because they are not used to this better posture. However, the benefits outweigh the initial inconvenience. Some effective options are described below.

Imagine being held upright by a rope

This is often taught during yoga or Pilates classes. Imagine that there is a rope running from the top of your head to the ceiling.

Stick kinesio tape on your back

You need help for this. Make an X on your back with kinesio tape, starting from your right shoulder to your left hip, across your lower back. Repeat from your right hip to your left shoulder.

This will help you maintain good posture. It is important that you keep your shoulders back when applying the tape.

Balance a book on your head

This technique has been used for years to teach young girls how to walk. The idea is to keep your head and neck upright and not look down. It also prevents sagging shoulders.

Watch your calves

Stretching exercise for better posture

Posture isn’t something that just affects your spine. It’s just part of your whole body. Your legs support your entire weight and your calves do most of the work.

Sit on the floor, straighten your legs and lean forward to touch your toes. This is a great stretch for your legs, back and neck, while also strengthening the muscles of your shins and abdomen.

Take a break

If you’re sitting at a desk all day at work, try to get up and walk around once in a while.

Walk a few circles around your desk, move your arms, roll your shoulders and hips. When sitting, lift your legs slightly and keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed.

Look in the mirror

A great way to make sure you have good posture is to look at yourself. Look in the mirror, sit up straight and see what you look like. That way you can make sure you’re doing it right.

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