8 Surprising Causes Of Constipation

Find out what the most well-known causes of constipation are so that you can solve this problem once and for all, without resorting to laxatives.
8 Surprising Causes of Constipation

Did you know that factors such as stress, a sedentary lifestyle or following an unbalanced diet can be causes of constipation, as well as other digestive problems? So find out in this article what the most surprising causes of constipation are.

When we think of constipation, we usually associate this condition with poor nutrition or genetic problems. However, there are multiple factors that can influence this imbalance.

Acute or chronic constipation?

When diagnosing and treating constipation, it is essential to determine whether it is a specific problem caused by a temporary situation, or whether it is a health problem that we have been dealing with for years.

In the case of acute constipation, certain natural remedies can be very effective from day one, such as:

  • Chia seeds
  • flax seed
  • dried plums
  • kiwis
  • apples with peel
  • plantago psyllium

However, if you suffer from chronic constipation, you may want to take a look at the possible causes of constipation. That way you can determine which factors may influence your situation.

Possible Causes of Constipation

1. Nervousness and Stress

Crying woman

If you regularly suffer from stress or if you are going through an emotionally difficult period, your nervous system will change. This can then have a negative impact on the general functioning of your body.

You may be surprised to know how much of an impact your nerves can have on your health.

The solution in these cases is not to take laxatives. You should instead  rebalance your nervous system with the following advice:

  • Eat varied foods. A diet rich in fruits and raw vegetables. But also to wholegrain foods and fats of good quality. Examples include avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, etc.
  • Try nervous system regulatory supplements: brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, pollen, spirulina, magnesium.
  • Use relaxing medicinal plants: lemon balm, passion flower, valerian, linden blossom, chamomile.
  • Also try therapies and relaxation exercises: massages, yoga, tai chi, stretching, dancing, etc.

2. Lack of Protein in Your Diet

This is one of the most unknown causes of constipation: a diet that is high in carbohydrates and low in protein.

This can be a problem for vegetarian or vegan people who do not follow a balanced diet. However, the solution is not to suddenly consume a lot of protein. You should  look for good quality protein sources.

There are many plant foods that contain protein, such as:

  • legumes
  • nuts
  • Seeds
  • Avocado
  • Whole grains

3. Consuming Too Much Meat

Red meat can also be one of the causes of constipation

However, the other extreme is also not good. A diet in which you eat a lot of meat or sausage can also cause constipation. Especially if you also consume a lot of poor-quality fats (fried, pre-cooked, etc.) and consume little vegetable fiber.

Meats rich in fat (red meat, sausage) can also cause inflammation in the gut and even cancer.

4. Permanent Dehydration

Drinking little water is a serious health risk that can cause many problems, including constipation.

To promote defecation, your body needs a certain amount of hydration. However, if your stools are more like small droppings, chances are the main cause is dehydration.

5. High Estrogen Levels In Women

Woman on a couch with stomachache

Constipation in women can also be linked to high estrogen levels.

To find out if this is the case for you, you should see if you suffer less from constipation in the days just before your period. Just before your period, your estrogen level drops slightly.

One of the best remedies for regulating your estrogen levels is monk pepper. You can take this herb in the form of an infusion or in tablet form.

6. A Sedentary Lifestyle

A lack of exercise and spending most of your days sitting down has a negative impact on the peristaltic movements of the bowel.

You should exercise every day and do an intense sport at least twice a week.

7. Using laxatives and other drugs

Laxatives can be one of the causes of constipation

Irritant laxatives and some types of medications destroy your gut’s delicate bacterial flora. This can affect bowel function.

If possible, you should replace your medications with natural and non-irritating alternatives. In addition, it can also help to take a supplement for some time to restore the intestinal flora.

8. Weak Liver

Your liver may not work properly. For example, as a result of liver disease or as a result of an excess of toxins in your body. When your liver is not working properly,  deficient bile salts prevent proper bowel function.

Fortunately, there are some very useful remedies for this, such as:

  • milk thistle
  • Boldo
  • Artichoke
  • Lemon juice with olive oil on an empty stomach

In addition, we recommend detoxifying your liver every so often.

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