9 Reasons Crying Is Healthy

Did you know that crying can help ease pain and reduce stress? As if that wasn’t enough, it also moisturizes your eyes and lets you express all kinds of feelings. 
9 reasons why crying is healthy

From childhood we were taught not to cry (especially in front of others), because it was seen as a sign of weakness or because showing feelings was a bad thing. However, tears have a positive effect on both our physical and mental health. In today’s article, we’ll discuss some key benefits that demonstrate that crying is healthy. 

Why are we crying?

We can shed tears of joy, sorrow, love, or frustration. It goes without saying that all types of tears are different and can come from a wide variety of reasons.

One thing is certain: crying is part of our lives from day one.

As babies, we cried when we were hungry or had a dirty diaper. When we were so young, cold, fear or ego could bring us to tears.

As we grew up we  tried not to cry because we thought this was something bad. However, this is not true.

We should teach our children (whether they are boys or girls) to cry without shame. By doing this you allow them to express their feelings and let go of all negativity.

It is important to remember that unprocessed childhood trauma can have major consequences later in life.

This is why crying is healthy and contributes to our personal development. Tears have many positive effects, so it is good not to swallow them when we are in an overwhelming or painful situation. Even when we feel bad, we shouldn’t hold back.

The most ideal way to vent  is with someone we can trust. If that’s not an option, find a quiet place where you can cry undisturbed.

The worst thing we can do is bottle up our feelings and suppress tears when we find ourselves in a situation that makes us sad.

There are often times when we say we don’t want to cry because:

  • we don’t want to be a burden to others.
  • we have to stay strong.
  • everything will be fine.
  • we don’t want anyone to see us cry.

However, we must remember that  what we don’t express builds up inside,  until one day it ‘explodes’, and not always in the most pleasant way.

The resulting emotional blockages stop tears from flowing and cause restlessness, stress and depression. This is why we need to learn that crying is healthy and actually makes us feel better.

Reasons why crying is healthy

From now on, try not to feel ashamed if you have to cry. It doesn’t matter if you cry over a movie, a painful event, or built up anger.

Remember that crying is a habit that can bring you many benefits.

1. It lets us know ourselves

Why crying is healthy

Crying is an excellent way to get to know ourselves. By shedding tears we realize our needs, weaknesses and character traits.

We can see things more clearly because our difficulties no longer get in the way of our intellect.

2. It reduces stress

When we cry, hormones are released that reduce stress and act as a natural pain reliever.

In addition, tears can help with  nervousness, restlessness and aggression.

As if that were not enough, they also contribute to the elimination of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Too high a level of these substances is harmful to health.

3. It hydrates our eyes

Crying can reduce stress

Today, dry eyes, often caused by regular smartphone and tablet use, are a common phenomenon. So a little natural wetting comes in handy.


  • keep the eyes hydrated.
  • provide oxygen to the retinas.
  • fight bacteria that collect in the area.
  • prevent dehydration.

Leave the eye drops in the cupboard!

4. Relieve Bad Moods

When we cry, we drain manganese from the body. When too much of this mineral accumulates in our bodies, we become irritable, tired, restless and depressed.

Tears thus soften this ‘bad gene’ that can cause so many problems. In fact, tears help us wash away negative thoughts and sadness.

5. It helps us overcome pain

It helps us overcome pain

When something bad happens to us, it’s normal to want to cry. We mustn’t let that stop us from untangling that knot and letting the emotions go.

Tears also allow us to transform something negative into something tangible,  something we can control and see. This ability makes crying healthy and is the first step towards solving the problems.

6. It gives us a way to communicate

Despite the saying that says otherwise, crying is not synonymous with weakness or inferiority.

  • We need the power of tears to tell others how we feel, what hurts us, and what we want to change.
  • Crying can also be a way to bond with our loved ones when our words fall short.

This is why we should see crying as a request for help or a way to make our feelings more visible.

7. It helps us return to normality

Crying restores the balance in our body

When we cry, the body returns to ‘homeostasis’. That is, tears help us restore inner peace and a healthy rhythm to our bodies.

The ability of tears to rebalance us is the reason that  after we cry, we feel so much lighter and less stressed. It is a result of a metabolism returning to normal.

8. It Prevents Digestive Problems

When we are stressed or tormented and we don’t cry or talk about it, it increases the risk of indigestion, stomach problems or intestinal problems.

Crying helps us rid ourselves of everything that makes us feel bad, thereby preventing stomach ulcers or chronic colitis caused by stress.

9. It improves breathing

Crying improves breathing

Crying can undoubtedly lead to gasping, shortness of breath or the feeling of drowning.

However, after the intense emotions are expressed, the crying stabilizes along with our breathing.

As if that wasn’t enough, crying also regulates our heart rate and sweat glands. 

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