Seeds That Have An Anti-carcinogenic Effect

In this article we discuss four seeds and kernels that have an anti-carcinogenic effect and can therefore help fight cancer.
Seeds that have an anti-carcinogenic effect

There are several seeds and kernels that seem to have an anti-carcinogenic effect. They seem to be able to help fight cancer or be a good adjunct to chemotherapy. However, it is not intended to use these seeds as a substitute for medical treatment.

With the aim of improving treatments for various cancers, several studies have been carried out that have finally shown that nature provides us with a lot of substances that have an anti-carcinogenic effect. The best thing about these substances is that they do not cause any negative side effects.

For the time being, chemotherapy is the most widely used way to fight cancer, despite the fact that chemotherapy endangers healthy body cells that are not yet affected by the cancer.

The good news is that there are plenty of people who are already aware of the many options for preventing cancer. These are people who have been looking for information about which foods to consume in order to reduce the risk of developing cancer as much as possible.

Natural remedies are intended to reduce the risk of developing various cancers.  At the same time, however, they can also help to strengthen the immune system and in some cases even prevent the growth of malignant cancer cells.

The four seeds and kernels we discuss in this article are some of these natural options. They have nutritious properties that have brought many positive results in the fight against cancer.

4 seeds with an anti-carcinogenic effect

1. Apple seeds

apple seeds

Many experts believe that the kernels in apples are one of the most powerful anti-carcinogenic agents.

However, why are so many people not aware of this yet? Because, as in so many other cases, certain organizations don’t want the public to know about this because they want to continue developing synthetic drugs that can make a lot of money.

Apple seeds are able to prevent the growth of malignant cancer cells of various cancers such as:

  • colon cancer
  • lung cancer
  • prostate cancer
  • pancreatic cancer
  • breast cancer
  • stomach cancer

The phytochemical compounds in apples are 1,000 times more capable of slowing the growth of cancer cells than drugs like Adriamycin, a chemotherapeutic drug used around the world , according to scientific evidence.

The most amazing thing about this natural remedy is that it only destroys cancer-causing cells and leaves the healthy cells alone.

Although apple seeds do indeed contain a small amount of cyanide, this amount is only toxic when ingested in very high doses.

2. Grape Seeds

grape seeds

Grape seed extract is a rich source of antioxidants, flavonoids and an active ingredient known as B2G2. This ingredient appears to help fight cancer cells.

Previously, the bioactive compounds in grape seeds were thought to be able to selectively fight groups of cancer cells. However, it has now been proven that it is the B2G2 that is capable of this.

Everything indicates that this product damages the living environment that cancer cells need to grow. That it changes the DNA of these cells by increasing the amount of reactive oxygen species.

In addition, grape seeds make it more difficult for cancer cells to spread, which can reduce the growth of malignant tumors by as much as 67%.

3. Flaxseed

Thanks to the high lignan content, linseed also deserves a place on this list of agents with a powerful anti-carcinogenic effect.

Flaxseed has been shown to play an important role in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. While at the same time it has a phytoestrogenic effect.

This ingredient has become very popular in recent years. It is able to promote apoptosis in tumor cells while preventing angiogenesis, which may help to prevent metastasis.

In addition, linseed is a good source of alpha-linoleic acid, a type of essential omega-3 fatty acid that fights cancer and other chronic diseases.

4. Peach kernels

Apricot kernel

Peaches contain an important amount of vitamin B17, a vitamin that has an anti-carcinogenic effect in the body.

Vitamin B17 is not only great for cancer prevention, but can also be very beneficial for patients who have already been diagnosed with cancer.

To use these kernels, it is best to smash them with a hammer. There should be a seed hidden in the kernel that has an almond-like shape. This is the part of the peach pit you should use.

However, remember that you are only trying to get vitamin B17 through peaches. The supplements that you can buy in the store do not contain the enzymes and cofactors that the seed from peach pits contains.

To make the taste less bitter, you can mix the seed with a little nutmeg, raw barley or grated coconut.


All the kernels and seeds that we have discussed in this article have an anti-carcinogenic effect. However, they are not able to completely cure cancer.

So it is great to consume these kernels and seeds regularly to prevent cancer or in combination with other drugs intended to treat cancer.

In addition, it is important to consume them only under the supervision of your doctor and in minimal amounts. Some people can experience negative side effects when they ingest too large amounts of these seeds and kernels.

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