Reduce The Size Of Your Bust With 5 Exercises

Only the women who know the terrible back pain and the awkward movement of very large breasts know how unpleasant it is.
Reduce the size of your bosom with 5 exercises

A woman’s breasts are often the subject of discussion. On the one hand, there are the people who will do anything to make them a few centimeters taller. They even resort to surgical interventions. On the other hand, there are the women who don’t care about what magazines say about beauty. All they want is to end the excess fat. In addition, a large bust size can be bad for your posture.

Do you belong to the second group of women? Then don’t worry. Because we have the solution for you here.

The solution lies with your diet and exercises. So you don’t have to resort to pills or massages that will loot your bank account. What you need to do is make your muscles more resilient and consume fewer calories. That way you can reduce the size of your bosom.

It is important that we mention that the fat in the chest area is subcutaneous fat. It’s the same kind of fat that builds up around your belly.

What does this mean? You will have to work twice as hard to get it off.

But first of all you need to strengthen your chest muscles!

5 exercises to reduce the size of your bust

1. Aerobic Workouts

If you want to start with a slightly light but safe exercise, aerobic workouts are an excellent choice. Because you can do this for long periods of time without much effort.

You can also choose from many options: dancing, swimming, walking, hiking or cycling. This will help you burn calories. In addition, they also improve your cardiovascular system.

Fat is the main fuel for these activities. So you will quickly see results through the weight loss. When you do the workouts on a regular basis, you will also see how the resilience of your muscles increases and how the size of your bust changes.

2. Hand Weights

This exercise will help to reduce the fat in the chest area. All you need are some hand weights. Also follow these steps:

  • Stand with your legs together. Keep your back straight and face the floor.
  • Inhale deeply while holding a weight in each hand.
  • Then raise the arms to hip height.
  • Then slowly lift them to chest height without bending the elbows.
  • Do four sets of 10 reps each.

3. Pushups

Reduce the size of your bust with push ups

Push-ups are essential to provide resilience to the muscles and remove fat. You can also perform them anywhere. They are also not complicated.

  • First, lie on a mat on the floor.
  • Rest your palms on the floor. Support your body on your hands and your toes.
  • Then bend the arms and place the hands at the height of your chest.
  • Try to maintain an upright posture.
  • Do three sets of 15 reps.

4. Chest Press

If you want a smaller and firmer bust, this is the exercise for you. You can do it with an exercise ball. But you can also use any light object that you can squeeze. With this exercise you not only make the breasts firmer but you also reduce the size of your bust.

  • Start by standing up straight and spreading your legs slightly.
  • Hold the ball in both hands. Bring him right up to chest height.
  • Then press the hands together hard until you feel your muscles contract.
  • Hold this for five seconds.
  • Do 10 reps. Each time, try to double the duration of the squeeze compared to your last exercise.

5. Ballerina Arms

This exercise will not only help you reduce the body fat of large breasts. It also shapes your figure and makes the muscles resilient.

  • Stand upright with a straight spine.
  • Bring your legs together and push your chest slightly forward.
  • You have to look forward to avoid causing damage to the neck.
  • Then extend one arm and arch your back. The tips of your fingers should be level with the head (just like a dancer’s pose).
  • Then return to the starting position. Repeat the movement 10 times.
  • Then rest and switch arms.
  • Do three sets of 10 reps with each arm.


  • Eat five small meals every day. Because that way you stimulate the metabolism and prevent binge eating.
  • Don’t overindulge in fatty or sugary foods that increase body fat. It is better that you eat more fruits, vegetables and proteins.
  • Remember that diet and exercise always go hand in hand. Because if you just lose weight but don’t make your muscles resilient, it won’t help.

So…when do you start? 

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