A Chamomile Parsley Remedy For Amenorrhea

If you are undergoing gynecological treatment, it is important to consult your doctor before trying this remedy. It is possible that unwanted reactions occur. If you do decide to take this remedy, it is important not to do so for more than one week in a row.
A chamomile-parsley remedy for amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is a condition in which menstruation is absent. The origin can be physical, that is, due to natural reasons such as menopause, or pathological, due to various causes.

Although most gynecologists prescribe the birth control pill to regulate menstruation, you can also try some natural remedies if you often have late periods while you are not pregnant. In this article we therefore share a potentially very effective chamomile-parsley remedy for amenorrhea.

Why is my period missing?

If you are no longer in a period where you have never had a period, nor are you in the menopause, then missing a period for several months can indicate certain health problems that should be diagnosed and treated.

Girl who suffers from menstrual cramps

We are of course not talking about cases of pregnancy. Possible reasons behind this problem could be:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome: The ovaries do not produce eggs.
  • The hypothalamus stops working properly because of too much exercise, weight loss, or high blood pressure.
  • High amounts of the hormone prolactin.
  • Premature insufficiency of the ovaries, before the menopause.
  • Stress or traumatic events.
  • Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.
  • Thyroid problems.

Conventional treatment for amenorrhea

Girl holding a clock in front of her belly

The most common conventional treatment prescribed by gynecologists for menstrual problems is taking the birth control pill. Although the contraceptive pill can indeed ensure that the menstrual cycle becomes regular again, it is not the only solution for the absence of menstruation.

As soon as you stop taking the pill again, there is a good chance that the irregularities will simply return. It is also important to take into account that the contraceptive pill can also cause other side effects in the body.

You should always give careful thought to any form of medical treatment you are considering. You have to take into account both the positive and negative consequences that this can have on your health.

Natural treatment for amenorrhea

Girl calculating her menstrual cycle

We always recommend getting yourself medically diagnosed and treated. However, if you suffer from amenorrhea for specific reasons, such as a stressful situation, or if you want to try a natural alternative before starting medical treatment, this simple chamomile and parsley remedy can be very helpful.


Nice cup of chamomile tea as a natural remedy for amenorrhea

Chamomile tea is very commonly consumed by many people, especially after meals to aid digestion. However, there are many more health benefits hidden in this medicinal plant.

Chamomile may have calming properties that can be great if the cause of your problem is related to stress. In addition, this plant can also have a very strong anti-inflammatory effect, which can also be very helpful depending on the cause of the problem.

Chamomile tea has been drunk for decades to help fight amenorrhea and various digestive and nervous disorders.


Parsley tea as a natural remedy for amenorrhea

Parsley is a medicinal plant that can be used in many different recipes. In addition, however, this plant can also have great healing properties. Parsley is best known for the high amounts of vitamins A and C, folic acid and minerals such as magnesium, iron and potassium it contains.

In the case of amenorrhea, parsley can be one of the most effective plants to get menstruation going again. This is mainly due to the volatile oils it contains. 

These oils can improve blood flow to the uterus, allowing the uterus to expand and relax. In this way, menstruation may be facilitated.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 30 grams dried chamomile flowers
  • 20 grams fresh parsley

Preparation method

  • Bring the water to a boil.
  • Once the water is boiling, remove the pan from the heat and add the chamomile flowers and chopped parsley.
  • Then put a lid on the pan and let the infusion stand for about ten minutes.
  • After ten minutes, pour the water through the strainer.
  • If you like, you can sweeten the infusion by adding a little stevia or honey.

How to drink this infusion

Drink this remedy in three doses throughout the day:

  • Early in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Later in the morning.
  • In the afternoon.

Drink this remedy every day for up to seven consecutive days. If you still don’t have your period after seven days, we recommend that you consult a gynaecologist.

Other natural remedies for amenorrhea

If you want to support the effect of this amenorrhea remedy, you can supplement it with other supplements, techniques and natural remedies:

  • Vitamin C.
  • monk pepper.
  • Red clay compress on your stomach.
  • Cupping in the area around the ovaries (this should always be done by a professional).
  • Bach flowers: mustard and chicory.

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