Add Celery To Your Diet To Fight Inflammation

Celery is not only helpful in weight loss, but can also help remove toxins from the body and reduce inflammation related to problems such as arthritis, lung disease, asthma, or bronchitis.
Add celery to your diet to fight inflammation

Celery is a crunchy, refreshing vegetable with a fresh taste that you can add to hot dishes and salads. You may already love the distinct flavor this vegetable brings to food, but celery is also one of the healthiest vegetables you can find. Add celery to your diet and discover its benefits!

The secret of this vegetable lies in the seeds, which contain fragrances. The seeds are rich in essential oils that help fight inflammation and at the same time help to remove toxins from the body.

In this article, we invite you to regularly add celery to your diet from now on. We explain why below.

Add celery to your diet to lose weight

Botany experts recommend that in the case of celery, opt for the thickest, fullest, and sturdiest stems that have a bright color. Never buy celery where the stalks are already starting to soften or the top part is starting to turn white.

The vegetables can stay fresh for about three to four days if you store the stems in a damp paper towel in the refrigerator. When you plan to eat the celery, it is best to dip the bottom of the stems in a little water first, so that the vegetables become fresh again.

When you’ve bought the vegetable and are ready to try it, you’re probably wondering what benefits you’ll reap from your first bite. Add celery to your diet and find out!

It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect

  • One of the most interesting properties of this vegetable is its ability to inhibit inflammation.
  • This is because celery contains polyacetylenes. Not only will this substance help remove toxins from the body and promote weight loss, but it also provides relief in cases of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, asthma, and bronchitis.

Celery Regulates Food

What do we mean by that again? Celery Regulates Food?

  • Celery is not a primary source of energy because it lacks proteins and nutrients that provide the body with strength and vitality.
  • Like cucumber, celery is a vegetable that is low in energy but rich in purifying and moisturizing properties.
  • Due to its essential components, this vegetable can help regulate internal processes by balancing the mineral content and purifying the body.
  • The vegetable is rich in water, fiber, potassium, sodium, vitamins C and E, folic acid and calcium.

Dietary properties of celery

Add celery to your diet to lose weight
  • As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, one of the most interesting properties of this vegetable is related to the essential oils it contains, such as apiol, limonene, psoralens or apilina.
  • These oils all contribute to the diuretic effect that this vegetable has. As a result, celery causes the body to produce more bile and improves digestion.
  • Another great aspect of this vegetable is that it helps you feel full faster. It is therefore highly recommended to drink a green smoothie with celery every day. This will keep your body hydrated, purified and prevent the need to snack between meals.

Benefits for your heart

  • Celery is rich in a compound called phthalide. This ingredient can help relax the muscles around the veins and promote blood circulation.
  • In addition, don’t forget that the vegetable is one of the best ways to balance your cholesterol levels  while lowering bad cholesterol, also known as LDL.

Salad with celery and green apple to inhibit inflammation

Salad with celery and green apple to inhibit inflammation

Try this delicious salad with celery, green apples and nuts to reap all the benefits we discussed above.

This salad is healthy, easy to make and great as a side dish alongside a piece of salmon or chicken breast with lemon. It is a great dish that you can include in any kind of diet.

Are you ready to write this down?


  • 1 green apple
  • 2 bunches of celery
  • 5 large lettuce leaves
  • 100 gr. arugula
  • 1 endive leaf
  • 5 walnuts, chopped
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • Mustard seeds (to taste)
  • 4 teaspoons honey (100 gr.)
  • White pepper (to taste)
  • A splash of extra virgin olive oil


  • Start by washing the celery and apple first. Then cut both ingredients into small cubes. You don’t have to peel the apple beforehand,  but make sure you remove the core and seeds.
  • Then chop the nuts.
  • In a separate bowl, combine the lemon juice, mustard seeds and honey. Then add the olive oil and white pepper. This is the dressing for your salad.
  • The next step? It’s really simple. Choose the bowl you want to serve this salad in and add the lettuce and arugula. Then add the apple pieces, celery and nuts. Finally, sprinkle the salad with the salad dressing you made yourself and enjoy every bite of this delicious dish.

This salad is a great lunch option and is excellent for helping you lose weight. How can you resist this now? So what are you waiting for, add celery to your diet and enjoy the benefits!

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