Bad And Good People: Those Who Bring Good Luck

Both giving and receiving are important. We need to distance ourselves from people who cause us discomfort and reciprocate feelings when someone helps us grow as individuals.
Bad and good people: those who bring good luck

We start this article by saying that there are no bad or good people. There are no standards that can scientifically measure goodness or badness. However, one thing is true: everyone knows what positive and negative energy certain people and relationships can bring to us. 

Sometimes people act out of their own interest. And when they start to put themselves above others and thus become abusive and deceitful, you could say that as individuals they have a negative influence on others.

These are the people who will lecture you. However, we all know those other types of people who provide positive relationships with a humble heart and a genuine voice, the ones who will never hurt you. They understand what reciprocity and respect mean. They bring good luck.

People who lecture others and leave scars

When reading the above text, you probably thought of certain people who played a role in your past. Still, it’s important to take some time to reflect and ask yourself whether you’ve ever hurt anyone.

  • You are not required to get on well with everyone. And sometimes you can disappoint the people around you.
  • If you ever find yourself in a situation where you know you have to make a choice that will affect someone else in some way, then you have to justify to yourself why you are making that choice. A good example in this case is when you have to end a relationship if you are no longer happy because you no longer love the other person.
  • Some choices just have to be made, even though you know they could be hurtful to someone else. This is the case when maintaining a particular situation does more harm than good.

This means that all of us at times, at certain times, are able to behave in ways that might be perceived as negative by others. Every situation has multiple shades, degrees and levels.

let the evil in

difficult people

  • However, some people continue to behave like this all the time at any given time in their lives. They will always try to fulfill their own needs, even though they know they are hurting others.
  • These kinds of people stay that way for the rest of their lives and sometimes leave scars on others. So you just have to ban them from your daily life and especially from your thoughts.

If you don’t do this, you will always be trapped in their actions.

There are also certain people who simply don’t know how to build positive relationships. They are not mature enough personally and emotionally. They lack respect and empathy and are often completely oblivious to their words and actions.

Don’t view the moments you experience with these people as dramas or failures that will change your life. Understand that these are lessons that can help you move through life more confidently, with more composure.

Simply good people who bring happiness

Some good people are simply humble souls. It’s almost like they have magic in their pockets, but in reality they just don’t know how to be selfish or hypocritical. I’m pretty sure you know one or two people who are like that.

There are a lot of people like this, but you don’t need many of them yourself, because they will give you everything you need.

The value of reciprocity

One thing to remember is that virtually nothing is given without expecting something in return. So if someone treats you well, treat them the same way. You form a team together and this team must balance you so that no one loses and no one wins.

Reciprocity means knowing how to fully understand the other. You understand that they deserve your respect, you value them as part of you and you recognize everything they do for you. This will always make you behave the same.

Trust doesn’t cheat, it knows how to form bonds

Good people who enrich your life by helping you become a better person every day create a very intimate and special bond with you.

  • They see you as respectable, strong and understood;  as someone who has the support of the people who love him.
  • People who love you don’t judge you, they don’t try to change or cheat you. They see you the same way they see themselves. They are empathetic and emotionally mature.

In short, you will meet both bad and good people throughout your life. You should try to learn from all these encounters.

Woman who is happy

Avoid carrying weight that doesn’t help you, that only gets in the way of your personal growth. Let go of the bad things, learn from them, and then take a new path.

The world is full of good people and if for some reason you are unable to find them, never forget to be one of these people yourself. Be the best person yourself.

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