Boost Your Mood With 6 Healthy Foods

Did you know that spinach helps to fight stress and anxiety because it contains folic acid? At the same time, it also helps to produce endorphins.
Improve your mood with 6 healthy foods

Healthy foods with a high nutritional value help improve your mood. We often forget this, of course. Basically, the ingredients in some foods support the secretion of hormones. And it is these hormones that play a role in well-being and fight stress.

The problem is that we are used to eating foods that contain a lot of fats, sugars and added ingredients. These foods can cause negative effects.

At first they give us a feeling of satiety. But their nutritional composition is not as good as what we get from organic foods.

That is why we want to show you six healthy alternatives in this article. They are low in calories. In addition, thanks to their properties, they make us feel better when we are stressed, despondent or irritable.

So don’t hesitate to add these healthy foods to your diet! You can improve your mood in an instant.

Improve your mood with healthy food

1. Bitter Chocolate

Improve your mood with bitter chocolate

Bitter chocolate with a composition of at least 60% cocoa is one of the foods that promote a feeling of emotional well-being. You can eat this in moderation.

  • Characteristic of bitter chocolate is that it contains many antioxidants, fatty acids and amino acids. These elements stimulate brain activity and the nervous system.
  • It is also recommended to reduce stress and symptoms of depression.  It improves the production of endorphins.

Note: People with diabetes or metabolic disorders are not advised to eat this food.

2. Milk and Milk Products

Milk and milk products are full of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other important nutrients. They have many benefits for the body.

People with an intolerance to lactose cannot take these products. But for those who don’t suffer from this, we consider it a great choice to improve your mood.

  • It is best known for containing tryptophan. This amino acid reduces tension, irritability and insomnia.
  • It also contains significant amounts of vitamins A, B and D. In addition, it possesses minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. All of these ingredients are great for balancing the nervous system.

3. Green tea

Improve your mood with green tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest plants for the body. First, it helps to lose weight. It also contains antioxidants that reduce the effects of oxidative stress and cognitive decline.

  • Green tea contains catechin and isoflavones. Both elements are useful to improve emotional health when the body has to deal with an imbalance in hormones.
  • The main ingredient of green tea is known as EGCG. It reduces the influence of free radicals. In addition, it protects the health of the brain and nervous system.
  • Green tea also contains a compound known as L-Theanine. This element helps to block the action of cortisol. We know cortisol as the stress hormone.

4. Spinach

Spinach excels because it contains a large amount of essential nutrients and has a low calorific value.

It is one of the foods recommended to fight depression. Because eating spinach affects brain chemistry. This improves the secretion of the hormones that promote well-being.

  • The main positive effects of spinach on our mood come from the folic acid it contains. This nutrient fights stress, anxiety and nervousness.
  • Spinach also contains a potent concentration of antioxidants. Once you ingest them, they aid in the elimination of toxins. They also limit the influence of free radicals.

5. Bananas

Improve your mood with bananas

Bananas are delicious and versatile. They contain essential nutrients that provide us with important benefits for our physical and mental health.

  • The body easily converts their natural sugars. In this way, the energy level of the body rises. At the same time, feelings of fatigue and depression decrease.
  • Bananas also contain folic acid, vitamin C and phosphorus. These components are all necessary for the proper production of endorphins and serotonin.
  • This fruit is also an important source of tryptophan. This amino acid has to do with controlling depression and insomnia.

6. Honey

Honey is an ingredient that gives energy. It is a valuable food because it contains large amounts of nutrients of high quality. They provide us with physical and emotional benefits.

  • The natural sugars in honey act as a source of ‘fuel’ for the body’s cells. They help to maintain a great physical and mental performance.
  • Honey also contains enzymes and essential amino acids. Once absorbed into the body, these elements strengthen the nervous system and brain health.
  • The vitamins and minerals in honey help to improve the synthesis of serotonin. This element is known as the happiness hormone.

Are you having a hard time emotionally?  Do you easily get stressed? If you want to change this, commit to adding these foods to your regular diet. You will notice how great they are at keeping you feeling good.

To achieve remarkable results, it also helps to drink more water. You can also use relaxation techniques and do physical activities.

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