Causes Of Sore Nipples When Running

Irritated nipples can lead to infections and pain. That is why it is important to prevent and treat it properly. Read on to learn how to do this.
Causes of Sore Nipples While Running

Sore nipples are a common injury in runners as a result of the constant chafing of clothing during exercise.

It is more common in men, although it also affects women and children. The problem is that it can be very annoying as the nipple is a sensitive spot. Unfortunately, it can worsen and even lead to infection.

What exactly are irritated nipples?

Sore nipples is an injury to this area from chafing against clothing, usually while running. It occurs in most cases on both nipples and consists of small cracks in the nipples.

It usually occurs in people who often run or do marathons. As you know, the nipple protrudes slightly in men and clearly further in women. This can easily create friction with clothing while running, whether you’re wearing a T-shirt or a bra.

The fabric of the clothing is therefore one of the main triggers. Nylon, for example, is often associated with an irritated nipple. Other factors, such as temperature, also play a role in its occurrence. This is because the nipple tends to be more erect when it is cold and this leads to friction.

In contrast, it is much more common in women around their menstrual cycle. This is because the breasts swell and are more sensitive around this time.

A study in Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia (Spanish link) shows that almost 35% of people who run more than 60 km per week suffer from sore nipples. However, for those who run less than 30 km per week, it is less than 5%.

A man runs fast on a paved road


According to an article in the Revista Médica de Chile (English link), the main features of an irritated nipple are painful injuries. As we mentioned in the beginning, they usually occur on both nipples and can even lead to bleeding.

The same study shows that athletes in general are more exposed to certain infections. This is because moisture, sweat and other factors on these wounds promote the proliferation of bacteria.

In addition, the injury is similar to dermatitis. At first, there is redness and discomfort in the area. Unfortunately, if you continue to run while there is friction, the skin will worsen, leading to even more wounds.

Therefore, the main symptoms are pain, redness and bleeding. The nipples, the breast itself, are more sensitive than other parts of the body. It can therefore lead to crusting on the skin in certain cases. This means that the skin thickens after continuous friction.

Preventing Irritated Nipples

You can prevent sore nipples with the simple measures we are going to describe. These mainly relate to protecting the nipples during exercise.

Choose the right fabric

The fabric of the clothes you use for exercise is important, especially for runners. Some materials increase friction or do not allow perspiration.

Nylon shirts, for example, are more likely to irritate a nipple. So it’s best that they are smooth and have no seams or embellishments that can rub against the chest. The fabric should also be breathable and cool.

Wear the right sports bra

Most women tend to wear sports bras while exercising. Therefore, it is essential to choose the right fabric that comes in direct contact with the nipple.

Choose a well-fitting bra that offers enough support so that the chest doesn’t move too much with each step. The fabric should, as we explained above, be breathable and not prone to chafing.

It should also have no seams in the central part of the chest. The size should also be right and the straps of the bra should be wide. This prevents them from being too tight.

Avoid long distances

We’ve already explained that sore nipples are more common in people who run long distances. So it’s unusual for someone who runs less than four miles to experience it unless it’s the result of a defective fabric.

That’s why experts recommend sticking to short sessions until this injury has healed. However, if you can’t give it up, you need to protect this part of your body well.

Use lubricants or Vaseline

Certain products can prevent friction and thus prevent nipple damage. Applying petroleum jelly to the area works for many people. It is a substance that helps lubricate and protect the skin.

Talcum powder can also reduce this problem, as it helps dry the skin, reducing irritation. Many people also use it to prevent chafing in other areas, such as the inner thighs.

Prevent sore nipples while running

In addition to the substances described above, there are other ways to protect the nipples during exercise. For example, there is such a thing as a nipple protector on the market, it is a kind of strip that adapts to your anatomical shape.

You can also make these at home, just make sure they don’t come off through sweat or chest hair.

Running in the mountains

Treat irritated nipples as soon as possible

Consult a doctor if you suffer from sore nipples, which can easily be made worse by an infection. You may need an antibiotic, but only take it with a doctor’s prescription.

It is also essential that you clean this area well. Ideally, dry your nipples completely after washing and reapply moisturizing creams or petroleum jelly. Always use clean clothes to reduce the chance of infection.

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