Coffee And Lemon: A Good Combination?

Coffee and lemon are two ingredients with recognized properties, but what about consuming both at the same time? Do the beneficial effects really multiply? Find out here!
Coffee and lemon: a good combination?

A new combination, coffee and lemon, is trending in the world of drinks. Many hypothesize that it provides health benefits beyond those of either ingredient alone.

There is nothing to say that these ingredients cannot be mixed. However, it remains to be seen what happens when it comes to the benefits promised when you drink them together.

Coffee and lemon

The exact formula to prepare it is to add the juice of one lemon to a cup of coffee. And while it may seem like an unusual combination to some people, others see it as promising positive health effects.

Almost certainly many people think that lemon goes better with a cup of tea. Traditionally, however, people in certain regions have long drank it as a refreshing drink to help with the heat.

To shed some light on its uses and benefits in terms of health, it is best to look at the benefits of these two ingredients separately.

The benefits of coffee

To prepare coffee, dried and ground beans are soaked with very hot water. A simple process for one of the most consumed beverages in the world. According to data from the British Coffee Association, approximately two billion cups of coffee are consumed every day.

Throughout history, consumption has had both a good and a bad reputation. For this reason, science has made it one of its focuses. It is known as a stimulant food, capable of improving certain aspects such as memory, concentration and fatigue.

Coffee consumption has been studied with the various health parameters in mind. However, as the authors of an important summary of existing studies point out, most studies are observational, so we have to be careful with the conclusions.

The positive associations between coffee and liver disease (cirrhosis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or liver fibrosis) are among the most consistent. There also appears to be a smaller chance of developing liver cancer.

The authors also emphasize a reduction in the risk of overall mortality in people who drink coffee compared to people who don’t. There is also a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and metabolic problems, such as type 2 diabetes.

The absolute maximum amount of coffee a person is allowed to drink seems to be three cups a day. However, a higher consumption does not seem dangerous, but it also does not seem to offer more benefits.

Apparently there is no indication of harmful effects with long-term use of the drink. However, there are recommendations not to consume it during pregnancy and by women at higher risk of bone fractures.

Do coffee and lemon have more benefits when consumed together

What does lemon contribute to the body?

Citrus fruits are grown all over the world and are known as one of the highest consumption fruits. Their vitamin and other phytochemical contributions have turned them into products used for therapeutic purposes.

Their main nutrient is vitamin C. This plays a key role in the body, such as aiding bone development, wound healing and maintaining healthy gums.

Also, at the metabolic level, it allows the activation of B vitamins, the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids and the conversion of tryptophan into serotonin.

This important micronutrient works in synergy with other elements such as flavonnoids, carotenes, alkaloids and essential oils. This fact has allowed science to associate them with some positive health effects:

  • Antioxidant: makes it possible to fight free radicals. The presence of free radicals plays a crucial role in aging, inflammation and heart disease.
  • Increased consumption of citrus fruits is associated with lower mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular problems.
  • Vitamin C protects the immune system, reduces the severity of allergic reactions and helps fight basic infections, such as the common cold.

Myths about the benefits of coffee and lemon

In addition to the positive effects presented by the two separate ingredients, there are some health improvement claims related to the consumption of coffee and lemon together. These are the supposed commitments regarding this drink.

Body Fat Reduction

This is one of the most alluring promises. However, it has not been proven that coffee or lemon are foods that cause lipid deposits to disappear from the body.

Some studies have observed caffeine’s ability to increase metabolism and burn calories as a result. However, this does not affect weight loss and fat reduction.

So it seems that the science is clear and one cannot prove the truth of this belief at the moment. In any case, coffee helps to reduce the feeling of hunger.

They help control headaches

The second popular claim about this mixture is also not supported by scientific data. There is even some contradiction, as coffee consumption has been linked to migraines in some cases.

While we know that combining caffeine with medication can enhance the effects of drugs , lemon has no benefit in this regard.

Coffee with lemon promotes healthier skin

A high intake of fruits and vegetables is beneficial for improving skin health. But at the moment it is unknown which of their components is responsible for it.

Therefore, the general recommendation to make sure to consume three pieces of fruit a day is always good. Even if you add lemon or other citrus fruits, the contribution of vitamin C stimulates the synthesis of collagen. This protein promotes elasticity and strength of the dermis.

They provide relief from diarrhea

This is the latest of the popular views on this drink and it doesn’t seem to be supported by the data obtained so far. Rather, caffeine increases colon movements and speeds up the urge to go to the bathroom.

Coffee consumption is not indicated in case of diarrhoea, as the diuretic effect may exacerbate the fluid loss that occurs with increased bowel movements.

Coffee consumption is not indicated in case of diarrhoea

Does mixing coffee with lemon enhance the benefits?

Consuming coffee and lemon together has positive health effects, as long as they are consumed within the framework of a healthy diet and lifestyle. At the moment, however, we cannot say the same about the result of mixing these ingredients.

Does this mean that drinking the usual coffee with a squeeze of lemon juice is a bad option? Not at all. This can be one of your choices when you wake up in the morning. However, don’t expect any magical effects. The lemon gives the coffee some freshness and reduces the bitterness.

The latest beverage trend isn’t delivering the benefits it promised

Many people often drink hot water with lemon or coffee in the morning. They can both be beneficial, although the sum of the two ingredients doesn’t seem to have more positive effects.

In any case, there is no evidence that it improves headaches or helps reduce body fat. Nor does it prove that this should be the drink of choice for diarrhea.

So it is possible to choose lemon to make your coffee a bit fresher, but provided that you like the taste and that it does not cause any adverse side effects when you drink it.

Consumption of moderate doses of either ingredient or their combination appears to be safe otherwise. But you have to remember that more quantity is not always synonymous with more benefits. Improper use can have harmful consequences.

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