Communication: You Are Responsible For What You Say

It doesn’t matter how hard you try. If your interlocutor does not have the same ideas as you or if he does not want to understand your ideas, then communication becomes impossible at some point and it is time to accept it respectfully.
Communication: you are responsible for what you say

Communication is not exactly easy. Things you say can sometimes be misunderstood. This often happens when the person you are talking to clearly has a different point of view.

In this case, instead of really listening to you, your interlocutor is just waiting for him to respond.

Prejudice, a subtle way of shaping reality before understanding it at all, and the tendency to speak without thinking are the most common mistakes people make when communicating with others.

These are the reasons why we sometimes try to explain or make things clear several times. In the end we don’t get through to someone anyway, because he really doesn’t understand it or simply because he doesn’t want to understand it.

Therefore, it may be wiser to simply accept that in some cases it is more productive to stop wasting your energy explaining something that has no solution.

We invite you to think about this today.

What you say, what you convey and what others make of this

woman with a heart balloon

The first requirement to communicate effectively with someone is respect. However, this aspect is not always present.

Some people choose to raise their voices, thinking that maybe this will help them be better understood. Others are unable to maintain eye contact or empathize with their conversation partner. Others, on the other hand, are able to keep talking calmly, regardless of what the other person says.

Let’s analyze this in detail.

The form of communication you have developed

The form of communication you experienced during your childhood can have a big impact on the way you relate to other people as an adult.

For example, a more authoritarian form of communication elicits a one-way conversation , rather than responding to the things said or understanding the needs of others.

This is usually from the direction of the one in power to those who are subordinate to him.

A person who speaks in an authoritarian way is unable to actively listen to or truly understand what others have to say.

He is limited by his ability to issue orders. All of this can make a child feel as if what he believes or feels is not important.

The opposite of this form of communication is without doubt a form of democratic and effective communication. This form of communication aims to:

  •  Reciprocity
  • respect
  • Mutual listening
  • The right degree of understanding

A person who learns this form of communication from an early age understands well how to meet the needs of others by thinking carefully about every word that is said, thus developing more self-confidence and self-confidence.

It is important to listen to ‘what is not being said’

When we say you have to learn to hear ‘what isn’t said’, we’re talking about developing empathy. This is a characteristic that not everyone applies in their daily life.

  • Sometimes a sentence is more than a concatenation of words that have a certain meaning. The facial expression of the person speaking, the tone in which he speaks and the gestures he makes are all things that give meaning to this non-verbal communication. This is  a form of communication that can sometimes carry more meaning than what is actually spoken.
  • In general, we are increasingly trying to avoid eye contact while talking. This form of non-verbal communication is often replaced by the use of ’emoticons’. So much of what we all say today is conveyed through electronic devices.
  • It’s important to maintain tangible relationships in real life, relationships where you make eye contact and your gaze is wise, intuitive, and close. Eye contact is the main mainstay; Communication is primarily intended to convey emotions.

Stop explaining to people who only understand things what they want

woman with star allures

Sometimes it is important to accept that a certain battle is a losing battle. Even though this may be hard on the soul. Assume that some people may love you but will not always understand you.

  • Sometimes the conversation goes way beyond feelings or even emotions. In this case we are talking about values.
  • For example, consider a situation where a person’s family or parents do not understand why he has chosen his partner.

You can talk about love, affection and more in this case. However, these mainstays in a relationship are less important to some people than things like “what others will think” or “family betrayal.”

There are, of course, countless examples of such situations. Sometimes the things you say and stand for are useless to people who don’t listen anyway, even when you try to develop a degree of understanding, respect, and affection.

Before wasting all your energy on a losing battle, it might be important to realize that in some cases you have no choice but to accept that other people have different points of view. That’s why they won’t always understand you, no matter how hard you try to explain yourself.

Remember to always treat others with respect despite everything.

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