Description, Features And Usage Of Verbena

Are you familiar with medicinal plants and herbal teas? You may want to keep reading this article as we will be talking about the nutritional properties of verbena and its forms of consumption.
Description, characteristics and uses of verbena

Verbena is a medicinal wild plant, considered invasive in certain ecosystems. It has many uses in popular medicine as it can positively affect your mood. People with recurring anxiety and stress therefore often use verbena.

We will also tell you about all the possible uses of this plant, which is native to Central Europe. In this way you can introduce it into your diet and start taking advantage of the health properties of this plant.

Health benefits of verbena

This plant has been used as a purifying herb since ancient times. However, recent research has shown that its intake has a comforting effect. That is why people have started using it in the treatment of depression and anxiety.

According to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology , verbena has anti-anxiety and calming properties. This makes it possible to use it in various pathological images associated with nerve processes.

Still, researchers still need to do more clinical studies to evaluate the potential interaction with prescription drugs. Especially the drugs prescribed for the treatment of these mental disorders.

In addition, this herb has antispasmodic properties, as stated in an article published in the journal Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine . Thus, it can relieve acute diarrhea, reducing pain and reducing the risk of dehydration associated with the loss of fluids.

Finally, remember that verbena also has anti-inflammatory properties. There is enough scientific evidence to confirm that it reduces inflammation associated with dental and mouth problems, as well as swelling and symptoms. In addition, it is an effective natural remedy for pain caused by oral pathologies.

Purple flowers of the verbena plant

A possible antioxidant?

There is speculation about verbena’s antioxidant activity when used as an infusion. The phytochemicals in their composition could neutralize the formation of free radicals. They could also reduce the risk of developing complex diseases, in combination with a healthy diet.

It could also help delay the signs of aging. However, the scientific literature has so far not demonstrated this ability. We actually need more research to assess, evaluate and demonstrate the effects of verbena on oxidation.

Ways to consume verbena

You can find verbena, as a medicinal herb, in specialized stores. You can use it to make an infusion. There are also supplements that contain the dry plant in capsules. This presentation form is most convenient when you want to use it in high doses. Whether that is for the reduction of pain caused by, for example, gingivitis.

However, verbena is not commonly used as a spice or food. This is because it is not very tasty and does not go well with western gastronomy.

Despite everything, in many supermarkets you can buy a combination of plants containing this herb and make infusions with it.

Drug Interactions

We don’t know much about verbena’s interactions with drugs. In any case, and given the possibilities, it is best to avoid use if you are taking antidepressants.

Current medical literature does not provide much information about the plant’s active ingredients. This is why we cannot assess the safety of the plant when used at the same time as medicines, so always use caution.

The best thing to do is introduce the plant into your diet, but only if you don’t have a chronic condition or serious pathology. As always, it is always best to consult your doctor who can clear up your doubts.

Verbena oil in bottles

The medicinal properties of verbena

Verbena is a medicinal wild plant with certain properties that can treat specific pathologies, especially those of an inflammatory nature.

Finally, know that verbena can also reduce the symptoms of acute diarrhea. However, always remember that more research is needed to evaluate the true potential of this herb, its scope, and its limitations.

For now, we have to settle for its natural form and drink it as an infusion to take advantage of its anti-inflammatory and calming properties. Remember to always consult a doctor to make sure there are no contraindications.

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