Foods That Can Prevent Hypotension

Do you suffer from low blood pressure? These foods can help you with this!
Foods that can counteract hypotension

Hypotension is a condition that causes your blood pressure to become extremely low. The most common symptoms of hypotension are dizziness and light-headedness. The attacks can last from a few seconds to a few minutes.

In this article we tell you which foods can be helpful when you suffer from low blood pressure.

What Hypotension Is And Why It Occurs

What Hypotension Is And Why It Occurs

Blood pressure is the pressure the blood exerts on the walls of the arteries. We speak of hypotension when the pressure is low or less high than normal (depending on a person’s age).

When blood pressure is low, not enough blood gets to the vital organs.

The main causes of this problem can be:

  • Taking narcotics, anti-anxiety drugs, or antidepressants
  • Cardiac arrhythmias or heart attacks
  • Dehydration
  • Diabetes
  • Taking diuretics or heart medications
  • Heart failure
  • Eating Disorders
  • Sudden change of body position (e.g. when getting out of bed)

The most common symptoms of hypotension are:

  • Dizziness, blurred vision, vertigo
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • paleness
  • chest pain
  • Pass out
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Headache
  • Numbness in the legs and hands
  • An insatiable feeling
  • Stiff neck

Foods That Raise Blood Pressure

What Hypotension Is And Why It Occurs

If you notice a sudden drop in blood pressure and one or more of the most common symptoms, the first step would be to find a quiet room and take a deep breath.

Another good idea to regulate blood pressure and reduce the discomfort you experience when your blood pressure is on the low side is to consume certain foods and drinks:


If the cause behind your hypotension is dehydration or heat stroke, it’s best to drink plenty of water.

Start slowly, with a few small sips, then drink more and more as you start to feel better. In any case, remember that you should drink two liters of water a day to keep your body hydrated and avoid various unpleasant symptoms.


Chocolate can help against hypotension

Are you one of those people who constantly suffer from low blood pressure? Do not hesitate to always have a bar of chocolate with you from now on. The theobromine content in chocolate ensures that your blood pressure rises and improves.

We recommend eating dark chocolate,  which contains more cocoa than fat or milk. As a result, dark chocolate is simply healthier.

Drinks that contain electrolytes

These well-known ‘sports drinks’ are especially recommended for people with low blood pressure, as these drinks contain all kinds of minerals: sodium, magnesium and potassium.

If drinking mineral water does not help to completely resolve the symptoms, try drinking isotonic drinks.


Cheese can help against hypotension

Cheese contains salt, making it a great idea to eat a cube of cheese when your blood pressure has dropped.

You can also eat a turkey sandwich, an olive, or a pickle.

The sodium in these foods is enough to help prevent hypotension. However, be careful not to overdo your salt intake, as this can cause your blood pressure to rise too much. This can be dangerous for your health.

Coffee or tea

Like salt, consuming small amounts of caffeine can also help if your blood pressure is on the low side. One cup of coffee or tea is sufficient in both cases.

However, do not drink too much coffee or tea, as this can cause tachycardia.


Licorice can help against hypotension

Licorice is an interesting option to help prevent attacks of hypotension. This is because licorice can regulate blood pressure and can be consumed both in tea and in the form of licorice.

For example, if it’s a very hot summer, have a cup of licorice tea in the morning with breakfast to keep your blood pressure from dropping during the day.


Thanks to their contribution of vitamin B, nuts are able to bring blood pressure back into balance. In addition, nuts can not only help to prevent hypotension, but also hypertension.

You can therefore always ensure that you have a small bag of almonds, raisins and hazelnuts with you, so that you can consume this when you are not feeling well.

Other foods rich in this vitamin are legumes and grains.


Rosemary can help against hypotension

A rosemary plant in the kitchen is ideal for preparing all kinds of delicious recipes (especially meat recipes).

Rosemary keeps blood pressure stable, so we recommend that you also consume rosemary in the form of tea when the first symptoms of low blood pressure begin to appear.

Fruits rich in vitamin C

While all fruits are good for preventing dehydration and relieving the symptoms of hypotension, one group takes the cake: citrus fruits.

So don’t hesitate to eat an orange or grapefruit, or a delicious kiwi for dessert.


Meat can help against hypotension, but eat it in moderation

You can add rosemary to your meat dish to get double the benefits. In addition to meat, we also recommend eating a few pickles if you have just suffered a severe bout of hypotension.

However, don’t take this opportunity to eat a huge meat dish:  one or two bites is enough. Otherwise, you will ingest too much fat.

What to do when your blood pressure drops

In addition to consuming the foods and drinks we mentioned above, when your blood pressure drops, it can also be useful to apply the following tips:

  • Lie on your back with your legs up or sit with your head between your legs.
  • Open the windows to breathe fresh air.
  • Drink a glass of water.
  • Eat a snack or something sweet.
  • Stop what you were doing to avoid fainting or just falling.
  • If your symptoms don’t subside, call a doctor.

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