Four Common Forms Of Depression

It is important that you do not completely cut yourself off from the outside world. Try to seek help from the people around you and keep moving physically. Exercise causes the release of endorphins in the body, which makes you feel better.
Four common types of depression

There are different forms of depression. Depression is a condition that affects many people today. The condition can be caused by genetic factors or simply because life has not always been pleasant.

However, the truth is that the risk of depression deep down is present in almost everyone.

Depression is something that few people can escape, that is, people who are depressed have to fight it every day. Is that difficult? Of course that is difficult, but this does not mean that there is no hope for these people. More importantly, it is  precisely when you become severely depressed that the intention is to get yourself out of it.

Forms of Depression

Most forms of depression are not that well known. Many have only heard of one type of depression. That is  the form that presents itself in a similar way to sadness, but also prevents you from living a normal life. You can’t get yourself out of bed and you have no energy for anything. Things that used to get you excited about now leave you completely indifferent.


What you may not know, however, is that there are many different forms of depression. By being aware of the most common forms, you can learn to respond to them in the best way in case you or someone close to you is dealing with one of these forms of depression.

In this article we therefore discuss the four most common forms of depression.

1. Depression After a Loss

This is the most common form depression can take. When you lose someone, because someone dies or simply is no longer in your life for other reasons, you can be overwhelmed by feelings of grief and sadness that can turn into a bottomless pit of despair.

Especially people who are very introverted, insecure or sensitive are often prone to this form of depression. It is very difficult to get over this and this process often requires professional support.

2. Manic Depression

You may have heard of bipolar disorder,  a disorder characterized by periods of extreme joy followed by profound sadness. This disorder can lead to a form of depression known as  ‘manic depression’  .

When a person is manic-depressive, he often goes through periods in which he no longer wants to live at all. But in addition, he also experiences periods in which he is the happiest person on earth. This is confusing for those around him.

It is not clear which periods are real and which are caused by his disorder.

Bipolar disorder on its own can lead to depression. The patient does not know when he is happy or sad – this is all relative. Constantly having to walk along this thin dividing line can trigger a severe form of depression.


3. Depression caused by fatigue

Do you remember being completely burned out as a teenager? Not being able to study, play sports, or try your best to be the best in class… this type of depression often strikes people who are highly competitive and therefore under constant pressure.

The same can also happen when these people are at work. When the pressure is very high, it can cause psychological and physical fatigue that pushes you towards severe depression.

It is therefore important to withdraw yourself from this race from time to time, whatever form the situation takes. It is not necessarily always super healthy for you to do your very best for everything.

4. Depression Caused by Aging

Sometimes depression can start on its own when you reach a certain age. Suddenly you realize how much time has already passed and how quickly this time has gone.

This feeling of depression usually develops around age 50, a turning point for many people. You become aware of the missed opportunities in your life and feel guilty for not always taking full advantage of the time you had or regretting the things you did wrong in the past.

The moment you start to see yourself as someone who has grown old is the moment when the depressed feeling hits.

To avoid this form of depression, you must learn to accept your past mistakes and mistakes. Enjoy every moment you have and don’t put off the things you wish to do now until later.

Depression is a vicious circle

It is not difficult at all to become depressed; the hard part is just getting out again. When a person is depressed, they often tend to isolate themselves and the thoughts that go through their head are generally negative  and often get worse.


Whether you’re manic-depressive or suffer from another form of depression, it’s important to seek professional help right away if you find out that this is the case. You cannot break this cycle alone – be honest with yourself about this.

If you don’t seek help and cut yourself off from the world, you’ll be stuck in this vicious circle. Once you shut yourself off, you can’t get out. So start talking, opening yourself up to the people around you.

If you really can’t do this, seek professional help – at least find a way to relieve yourself.

With patience and time, you will eventually get over your depression. It’s hard and the people you love will suffer too – your mood affects them too. Yet there is hope, even if it still seems completely black before your eyes.

Whatever type of depression you have, you can escape it.

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