Gain Weight With Herbs

On the one hand, this article looks at what the causes of being underweight can be and why it is sometimes better to gain a few kilos. On the other hand, we look at how you can gain weight in a healthy and safe way.
Gain weight with herbs

Gaining weight healthily is something that concerns many people. Sometimes gaining weight is recommended by the doctor or sometimes people just feel too light and uncomfortable. 

While of course many people dream of losing weight, too little weight can also cause a lot of health problems.

Illness or stress can cause you to weigh too little. As a result, you can lose a lot more weight than is desirable. It could also simply be genetically determined, which makes people naturally skinny. Healthy weight gain can therefore also be important for many people.

The question is, how can you gain those extra pounds in a healthy and balanced way, without stuffing yourself with sugar and fat?

There are many nutritionists who recognize that this question is often more difficult to answer than how you can easily lose a few pounds.

When gaining weight, there are many more factors that you have to take into account. For example, you certainly do not want an increased intake of calories via prepackaged foods. These only cause health problems in the long term.

Also, maintaining a good appetite and sometimes even solving additional digestive problems are items that regularly crop up when you want to gain a few pounds.

In this article, we take a closer look at these questions. We will propose some natural remedies with plants to gain weight in an easy and healthy way.

Why do some people have a hard time gaining weight?

  • Genetic cause : There are people who can only eat a very limited amount of food. Once the food reaches the stomach, it secretes a series of hormones that curb the appetite and prevent them from continuing to eat.
  • More muscle tissue : It can also be genetically determined that someone has more muscle tissue, so that the combustion of food is faster and more energy is used than average, even when resting. That makes it very difficult to gain weight.
  • Character and Personality : Someone who is more nervous by nature or more energetic will exercise more often and burn more calories in this way. The continuous movement will also prevent weight gain.
  • Difficulty absorbing nutrients : When your body receives too few nutrients, it is more difficult to develop and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Certain conditions such as hyperthyroidism, anorexia, chronic diarrhea or depression can also cause you to lose too many pounds.

Herbs that can help with weight gain


Herbs that can help with weight gain

It may not sound very familiar, but fenugreek is a plant that is often used in Eastern cuisine. There it is known for its appetizing properties. What’s more, it could enlarge breasts and buttocks if you know how to use it in your kitchen.

Fenugreek contains substances that are quite similar to female estrogen. It is also very rich in copper, iron and helps in lowering cholesterol and balancing blood sugar levels. Due to the numerous fibers present, it is also very suitable for the prevention of constipation. But how can you use this relatively unknown plant?

  • Using the seeds
  • Capsules or pills that you can buy in the natural store
  • In the form of flour, under which it is known as Egyptian bread
  • As a powder additive in spice mixes
  • As a tea or infusion

The easiest way to get enough fenugreek is with a  tea or infusion of the seeds. Drink the tea with breakfast and with your afternoon snack.

First boil a cup of water with five seeds and let it soak for a few minutes. Also drink plenty of water throughout the day. In combination with the tea, this will increase the appetite.

The presence of saponin ensures that digestive enzymes are activated and the maximum number of calories can be absorbed by the body. In this way, a healthy weight gain can take place. However, do not forget to drink two liters of water a day.


Dandelion can help with weight gain

Dandelion primarily has a tonic function and therefore acts as a tonic that will increase appetite.  The sweet taste stimulates the production of bile, which stimulates the production of digestive enzymes.

For optimal effect, we recommend drinking dandelion tea three times a day, starting with breakfast. Boil four flowers in a cup of water. Let it soak in for a while before drinking the tea. Then wait half an hour and eat a banana afterwards.

Eating a banana daily will also ensure that you can gain weight in a healthy and balanced way.


Gentian can help you gain weight

Gentian is a very healthy and versatile herb, which is usually used as a tonic in severe illness. It is especially well-regarded  as a stomach tonic and bile-floating agent. This makes it easier to gain weight naturally and to achieve and maintain a healthy figure.

The bitter substances in the herb ensure that more stomach acid and bile is excreted. They therefore promote digestion and increase the absorption of nutrients in the stomach and small intestine.

Proteins and calories are processed to the maximum, so that the body can manage to gain weight. In addition, gentian promotes intestinal peristalsis and dispels intestinal gas. As a result, this plant has a complete health-promoting effect on the entire digestive system.

Give this natural remedy the chance to do its job through infusions that you can find in every health food store and discover how you can quickly and healthily gain a few kilos.

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