How To Manage Stress

Complicated and stressful situations can erode you little by little if you don’t know how to handle them. That is why it is important to learn to deal with stress.
How do you keep stress under control

Properly managing stress is complicated and can become a vicious circle that, paradoxically, creates more stress.

A certain level of stress is considered good because it can help you overcome difficult situations. For example, consider an exam or certain responsibilities at work. But stress can be harmful if you don’t control it.

Fortunately, there are techniques and habits that can help manage stress and prevent stress from paralyzing us, causing us to react uncontrollably or leading to anxiety and even physical ailments.

The Problems That Cause Stress

Stress causes problems

Stress is the body’s normal response to complicated situations. dr. Hans Selye identified three stages of stress that define the different states we experience when exposed to stressful situations.

1. Alarm phase

This is the immediate reaction to a dangerous or difficult situation. The heart rate increases, hormones like cortisol are released and the body gets a rush of adrenaline that helps you respond.

2. Resistance Phase

After the initial impact, it is normal for the body to relax and restore its normal levels. However, if you don’t overcome the situation that is causing the stress, the body is still alert and getting used to the high blood pressure and hormone levels.

3. Exhaustion phase

The stress becomes chronic and the body exhausts its reserves to fight the stress. At the moment, it also has emotional and physical effects such as:

  • exhaustion
  • Depression
  • burnout
  • Feelings of Anxiety
  • Weakened immune system
  • Gastrointestinal and Cardiovascular Diseases

Stressful situations are sometimes unavoidable, but if you find a way to deal with them, many of the negative effects of stress can be prevented or at least reduced.

How can you keep stress under control

The American Psychological Association (APA) claims that there are different types of stress and that each person should find their own way of coping with stress. Therefore, each person must discover the causes of his stress in order to reduce its influence.

Free yourself from the stressors

Once you have identified the situation that is causing your stress, you need to detach from it as much as possible. It’s not about avoiding a problem you should be solving, but about taking a mental break from it.

Exercise to control stress

Exercise helps with stress

Exercise regulates the physiological processes associated with stress and anxiety. A study of 288 families over ten years showed that those who exercised had less anxiety and overcome the initial stress phases a lot faster than those who did not engage in physical activity.

This is the result of several reactions that exercise causes in the body:

  • During exercise, the body produces endorphins. These are natural painkillers that the body produces.
  • Hormonal activity also decreases with exercise, meaning the body releases less cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone.
  • Exercise also helps you sleep better, meaning your body and mind will be more rested.

A daily exercise routine, such as walking, dancing, or cycling, can help manage stress.

Practice Yoga to Control Stress

Yoga is one of the best ways to manage stress. In addition to the benefits of exercise discussed above, studies have shown that yoga may act as an antidepressant and anxiolytic.

It also helps to relax the mind. In addition, yoga promotes concentration, so it helps you mentally to free yourself from the stressors. Therefore, find a suitable place and spend a few minutes a day practicing yoga.

Meditation to control stress


Meditation helps to relax your body and mind. By focusing on just your breath or the environment around you, you will force yourself to temporarily let go of the problem that is stressing you out. This will give you a new perspective.

Try Natural Antidepressants

Natural herbal infusions such as valerian, green tea and lemon balm have been proven to help reduce stress.

Do fun activities with people who make you feel good

Doing fun things with friends is good for you

Socializing is a powerful tool for allaying anxiety if done correctly. After all, any activity that helps clear your head will help manage stress.

If you focus your attention on something other than your problems, you will have a more peaceful frame of mind. If the activity you choose is fun, it’s even better. Laughter helps to relieve stress.

You can also do other activities that give your body and mind a break. For example, think of:

  • listen to music.
  • visiting new places in good company.
  • pursuing a hobby such as painting, writing, or crafts.

These are all good options to do. Doing different and fun things will distract you from your stress.

If none of these things work, it’s good to seek professional help. Therapists are trained to help you deal with stress and will guide you on the right path to overcome it.

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