How To Remove Blackheads

Blackheads are an annoying sight on the face. There are several ways to remove blackheads from your face and look good.
This is how you can remove blackheads

Blackheads are a real nightmare as they are normally very difficult to remove. It’s like they’re ‘stuck’ on your nose (mainly) and they never go away. They are not only on women’s faces, men can of course get them too.

Preventing or removing blackheads is not easy. If you never want to see them again, then you need to be patient and make sure you don’t get outbreaks in certain areas.

What are blackheads?

blackheads in the face

These familiar and unsightly little spots that appear in the most unlikely places like your nose, chin, cheeks or around your lips are dead cells mixed with sebum. These turn black due to the oxidation that occurs when they come into contact with the surface.

They are caused by your skin’s excessive oil production, especially during the summer, and they are not always related to acne (although most people think so).


Blackheads aren’t just a problem for teens. If your skin type produces too much sebum and you don’t clean it properly, they can show up. Removing them takes time and dedication, but mostly patience.

One of the most important things is to maintain a cleaning schedule throughout the day and evening. If you sweat too much, don’t remove your makeup before going to bed, or don’t wash your face with enough water when you get outside, you’re likely to start seeing blackheads.

Depending on the type of skin you have, you should wash your face less regularly or more often. Don’t forget to moisturize your face!

Remember that once you’ve removed the blackheads, you need to stick to this routine so they don’t come back. Try to keep your pores clean and ‘closed’. To do this, wash your face with cold water every day.


Occasionally, you can apply homemade face creams made from well-known natural exfoliants, such as oats, yogurt, and sugar.

How can you remove blackheads?

Face of a man

There are several ways to remove blackheads from your face and look good. Below we list the most effective and popular tricks to combat this problem.

With tweezers

An alternative is to remove them one by one when washing your face in the bathroom.

  • Warm your face in the shower to open your pores.
  • If you press on them slowly and gently, they will come off on their own if they are not too deep.
  • Try not to press with your nails.
  • You can use tweezers to pull them out when you start seeing them.
  • That way you will avoid leaving marks on your face.

With a toothbrush

A nose

You need a toothbrush that you will no longer be using and a little toothpaste.

  • Put the toothpaste on the toothbrush as if you were going to brush your teeth.
  • Wet the toothbrush and your face with warm water.
  • Every day before going to sleep, gently brush the blackhead area.
  • Then sterile your toothbrush with boiling water, even if you’re only going to use it to clean your blackheads.
  • Then wash your face and apply a moisturizing cream.

With a lotion

  • Prepare a lotion with equal parts lime juice, almond oil and glycerin.
  • Apply this lotion to your face every night and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse your face with warm water.

This will help you get rid of blackheads as well as any possible blemishes you may have on your face.

with egg yolk

face of a woman


  • Beat an egg yolk and apply it all over your face, but especially on the areas where blackheads are.
  • Put two pieces of toilet paper or a tissue paper on your face and wait about an hour for it to become completely dry and hard.
  • Gently remove the toilet paper or tissues from your face.
  • Rinse your face with warm water and then pat it dry.

With oil and toothpaste

  • Rinse your face with warm or hot water to open your pores.
  • Then dip the tip of a towel in olive or almond oil and add toothpaste.
  • Apply it gently but firmly in a circular motion to your nose or other problem areas.
  • You can apply more of the mixture if needed.
  • Wait five minutes and then rinse with warm water.

With a warm towel

  • Warm a towel over a heater or in boiling water.
  • First check that the towel is not too hot so you don’t burn yourself and then put it on your face for 10 minutes until it cools down.
  • Wash your face with hot water and neutral soap.
  • Rinse with cool water to close your pores and apply a moisturizing cream that is not oily.
  • Then apply rubbing alcohol and massage it on your face for five minutes.
  • Then rinse your face again.

Images courtesy of Bradley Gordon, Orin Zebest, Juan Pablo Olmo, Michael Coghlan, Javier Cohen and Eleazar 

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