I Had To Leave To Regain Control Of My Life

The only way to regain control of your life is to recognize your self-esteem. You should also put yourself at the center of your decisions.
I had to leave to take back control of my life

There are two things that must always be in agreement: your heart and your head. It’s hard to love someone and at the same time know that you will have to leave them one day. It’s especially hard when no part of you wants to leave. You may have lost control.

You may notice when you think about it that your life has been taken over by those intrusive thoughts in the middle of the night. They make it hard for you to sleep. Needless to say, this happens when loving that person turns into some kind of drug,  even if you don’t know you don’t deserve the way you’re treated.

Inventory of your relationship

It’s the moment when you realize that your relationship isn’t going anywhere.

End relationship

If the relationship is one-sided and you give everything for the person you love without getting the same in return, then you’d better take back control.

If you’ve been through violent situations, you probably feel a little guilty. You may feel that the other person is blaming you.

Justification of the other person’s behavior

You may have defended him or her tooth and nail in front of friends and family. This is because you think you can change him or her at some point.

You justify his or her behavior or attribute the behavior to the fact that he or she is “having a bad day.” Even if every day seems to be a bad day for him or her. You may stay with him or her in spite of everything because you love him or her.

Forget the past, forget the guilt

You may not mind that your friends keep telling you what you already know but won’t admit. You deserve better.

It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve thought you two would be the perfect couple. Or that you were made for each other and were going to spend the rest of your lives together.

As time goes by you will inevitably realize what is going on

And sooner or later you will understand that love for which you get nothing in return is short-lived.

It’s normal to feel nostalgic after realizing how things really are and taking back control of your life. These desires are usually based on memories you had with that person. Like it or not, those memories are a thing of the past.

Taking back control of your life means closure

To block

Understand that your goals change as you get older. Just like your partner’s goals change. If your goals go in different directions, the relationship usually ends.

That shouldn’t make you angry. After all, it doesn’t mean that any of you have failed. Maybe you loved the other, but it wasn’t predestined.

What memory do you want to keep?

People won’t always be with you, but memories will and you get to choose whether you keep the good or the bad memories.

It should be noted that taking back control of your life does not mean erasing all memories of the one you loved. Sometimes, years later, certain memories suddenly surface, but that doesn’t mean your choice to leave was bad or wrong. On the contrary, it will give you the chance to see that it was the best thing you could have done.

To prevent these memories from affecting you negatively, you have to close the whole thing properly.

  • Some people need some time to themselves for that.
  • Others need the help of a psychologist.
  • Or they have to perform a symbolic ritual to process the end of the relationship.
  • Do what works for you.

Taking back control of your life requires you to take responsibility


We can assure you that once you understand the importance of taking back control of all areas of your life, you will realize that it is not about pinpointing the culprit.

You will understand that you can take this as an opportunity to learn a great life lesson. Every life lesson you learn shapes you. If certain people never came into your life, you might still not understand exactly what you deserve and what things are and are not worth fighting for.

Going through this whole process is something that will really help you take control. Also, you will realize that the most important relationship in your life should be the relationship with yourself. If you can do that, a world of possibilities opens up.

Take back control of your life.

Put yourself first and give yourself the chance to be the best version of yourself.

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