Introducing The 11 Best Back Stretches!

Back stretching exercises can both reduce and prevent muscle cramps and pain. But you should always adapt the exercises to what you can handle. Never force a move. Read all about it in this article!
Introducing the 11 Best Back Stretches!

When was the last time you did some back stretching exercises?

You can work too hard. Or maybe you spend many hours in front of your computer. Or you may even be spending too much time staring at your phone. In all these cases you can easily suffer from neck pain or back pain.

If you have muscle cramps very often and can’t move easily, then we suggest you do some stretching exercises for the back. They are easy and very effective.

Stretching exercises for the back against aches and pains

Most of the adult population suffers from back pain as a result of a sedentary lifestyle.

If you feel pain when you stand or sit up, or when you bend the body forward to avoid cramping, we recommend that you perform a series of back stretches every day.

1. Back Tendon Stretches

  • Lie on your back and extend the legs completely straight.
  • Now raise your right leg as far as you can and grab your thighs with your hands. Hold this pose for thirty seconds.
  • Then do the same with your left leg.
  • This exercise serves to stretch the lower back.

2. Knees to chest

Stretching exercises for the back and dorsal tendons
  • Lie on your back again. Bend your legs and pull your knees as close to your chest as possible. Hold them with your arms and apply a little pressure.
  • Hold this pose for thirty seconds, rotating the hips from side to side in a rocking motion. Then stretch your legs.
  • You can also perform this exercise with one leg at a time, first the right leg and then the left leg. Keep the leg taut against the chest for at least thirty seconds each time.
  • Keep the leg you’re not holding flexed with the heel on the floor so you don’t lose your balance.

3. The Cat’s Attitude

  • The reason it’s called the “cat pose” is because you’re assuming a pose similar to a cat stretching or waking up after a nap.
  • To perform this exercise, prop your palms, knees and toes on the floor. You extend the arms fully.
  • Now make your back arch and arch (lift the head back when you pull the back arch).
  • Perform this movement slowly and repeat ten times.
Stretching exercises for the back The cat

4. Spine Stretching Exercise

  • Lie face up on a mat or bed. Then extend your right arm out at shoulder height (the arm should be perpendicular to the torso).
  • Now cross your right leg over your left leg so that your right knee touches the floor. You can hold the right leg with your left hand. Apply a little pressure.
  • Hold this pose for twenty seconds and then switch sides.

5. Back Side Stretches

  • This exercise is similar to the previous one.
  • Lie on your back and keep the legs together. Bend the knees and turn to your right side.
  • Your torso should continue to rest on the floor, as should your head and arms.
  • Hold this for thirty seconds and then do the same movement on the other side.

6. The Mahometan Stretching Exercise

stretching exercises

This is one of the most famous stretching exercises. Usually this is performed after the abdominal exercises. You can also use it to stretch the lower back.

  • Support your knees and your toes on the mat.
  • Now raise the arms and bring your hands forward until you touch the floor. Bring your face as close to the floor as possible.
  • Hold this pose for a few seconds. Then bring your body back to center.

7. Stretching for the hips

It is important that you fully stretch the back from the base. To do this you can support yourself on the floor from your knees and your toes while keeping your torso very straight.

  • Bring your right knee forward and rest your weight on your right foot.
  • Then place your hands on the forward knee and move your body toward your knee.
  • Hold this pose for twenty seconds and then repeat the exercise with the other leg.

8. Pelvic Exercises

This is also a very effective exercise for low back pain.

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor. Leave your arms next to your body.
  • Now gently raise your pelvis without lifting the shoulders off the mat. Imagine that you form a triangle with your body.
  • Hold for ten seconds, lower your pelvis, and repeat five more times.

9. Full Stretch

This exercise can be very effective if you suffer from back pain or just after your regular exercises at the gym.

  • Stand in front of a wall (or a table) and support yourself with both hands at hip height.
  • Now slowly lower your torso until it is horizontal, bringing your feet back.
  • The goal is to bring your back as parallel to the floor as possible. Let your head hang loosely between the shoulders.
  • If it helps, you can stick out the buttocks.

10. Stretching Cross Legs

This exercise works very well to reduce back pain.

  • Sit with straight legs and torso upright.
  • Bend the right leg and cross it over the left leg.
  • Then prop the side of your foot along your thigh and apply some pressure with your left arm. Rest your right hand on the floor.
  • Stay in this position for thirty seconds, then switch sides.

11. Arm Stretching Exercises

Muscle cramps in the back can be due to overloading of the shoulders. Therefore, it is helpful to do stretching exercises for the arms, shoulder blades and shoulders so that the muscles in that area relax.

  • Sit on the edge of the bed, reach your right arm over your head and bend your torso to the left.
  • Briefly touch the bed with your right hand. Then repeat this exercise on the other side.
  • Stand and extend both arms as if to touch the ceiling. Then bring them down as if you were forming an imaginary circle for your chest.

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