Is Cancer Hereditary? What You Need To Know About This

Although many people wonder whether cancer is hereditary, there is no doubt that there are also a lot of external factors that can cause this disease.
Is cancer hereditary?  What you need to know about this

This is a question that much of the world’s population has asked at some point: is cancer hereditary? For example, if my mother had breast cancer, will I automatically get it too?

First of all, it is important to state clearly that there is definitely a genetic component to cancer. However, the fact that cancer is genetic does not necessarily mean that it is immediately ‘hereditary’.

Today cancer is so common that in every family there is a relative who has or has had it. Or maybe someone else in your life has been confronted with this disease and unfortunately it did not have a good outcome.

More common in certain families

However, some experts indicate that some cancers seem to be more common in certain families. A long family history of obesity or tobacco consumption are factors that can determine the likelihood that you will or will not develop this disease.

On the other hand, we also know that there are certain cancers that are more heritable than others. However, it is important to emphasize again what we said before: the fact that cancer has a genetic component does not necessarily mean that the disease is also hereditary.

In this article we will give you all the necessary information on this topic.

Cancer and genetic heredity

The Cancer Research Center at the University of Salamanca (Spain) published a report in 2010 entitled Genetic Counseling: A Guide to Preventing Hereditary Cancer. In this report, an attempt was made to determine whether, through genetic analysis, we could determine whether people can carry a DNA sequence that makes them more ‘predisposed’ to develop cancer.

In general, the chance that you will inherit certain oncological diseases from your parents is about five to ten percent. In the case of these cancers, there are no external factors.

Three Generations

Cancer occurs as a result of a complex combination of factors

Cancer is a genetic disease. It arises from certain genes, whether their development is caused by internal or external factors, and these genes change and mutate until the cells begin to multiply.

  • These genetic abnormalities can be exacerbated by factors related to your lifestyle. The environment in which you live can also be an important trigger in this case.
  • At the same time, in most cases, cancer is caused by a subtle combination of many different factors. However, the chance that you will develop a tumor entirely due to hereditary factors is very small.
  • Tobacco consumption, air pollution and poor eating habits are much more dangerous in this case.

How can you determine whether there is a hereditary predisposition to develop cancer?

Because the development of cancer is generally determined by a combination of different factors, it is important to take into account a number of aspects.

We briefly describe them:

  • In case the same cancer occurs in several family members.
  • If this form of cancer occurs in several generations: grandparents, children, grandchildren.
  • In case some of these family members were diagnosed with this form of cancer at a young age (before their sixtieth birthday).

Forms of cancer that have a hereditary component

Some cancers have a hereditary component. However, the chance of these cancers also remains around five to ten percent. This may not seem like a lot, but it is important to pay extra attention and to inform your doctor if in doubt, so that you can be examined properly.

  • breast cancer
  • ovarian cancer
  • Non-Polycystic Colon Cancer
  • Melanoma (the most dangerous form of skin cancer)

Is there any research that can determine whether these cancers are hereditary?

There are several studies that can indeed provide more information about this. First of all, however, it is important to clarify certain issues:

  • These genetic tests will not tell you whether or not you will develop a particular hereditary cancer. They can only show how great the probability is.
  • The first thing to do is to consult your doctor. Your doctor can then refer you to a hospital ward where you can get genetic counseling.
  • The people who work here are specialized in research into hereditary forms of cancer and can help and guide you from there. It is not just about getting the results of the investigation.
  • These experts are also there to give you advice. Together you will assess your personal risk and your family risk. They can also tell you how best to monitor this issue and reduce the risk.

We should emphasize again that the chance of developing cancer due to hereditary factors is very small. However, since many people are afraid of this, these forms of genetic counseling are very convenient and effective.


How can you prevent the development of cancer if there is a family connection?

As we mentioned earlier, it is especially important to get the right medical advice. For example, if several women in your family have had breast cancer, it is important to have regular breast exams and mammograms.

At the same time, it’s important to remember that the genetic component itself is usually not the primary reason a person develops cancer. Cancer usually arises as a result of other factors that increase the risk and predisposition.

  • It is therefore important to avoid tobacco products.
  • Obesity or overweight are also important risk factors.
  • Try to consume as little unhealthy fats and sugar as possible.
  • Lead an active lifestyle; avoid a sedentary lifestyle.
  • An unhealthy living environment or working with pollutants also increases your chance.

Fortunately, there will always be specialists available who can tell you the best strategies to apply in your daily life to reduce the risk of developing cancer.

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