Misunderstandings Create Rifts Between People

We have to remove ourselves from the situation, in the best way possible. Doing this gives us a more objective understanding of what is happening.
Misunderstandings create gaps between people

Unfortunately  , it is common for misunderstandings to arise from well-intentioned thoughts and actions. This happens even with people we know very well. As a result, many people hope that the people they hurt will come back anyway. There are also people who want to come back, but don’t dare to.

Misunderstandings arise from a conflict between intentions, the way people communicate and the lens through which they see the world.

So, as it is said, “With what we think, what we want to say, what we think we say, what we say, what we want to hear, what we hear, what we think we hear and what we understand, there are eight ways to misunderstand someone.”


The great distance that pride causes

In the beginning of a misunderstanding there are usually a number of fixed elements. That can be pride, fatigue or a lack of confidence in ourselves or the other. This cocktail of variables can come together in a storm of misunderstandings.

There comes a time when we interpret a certain tone or choice of words as hostile, but in reality it is not. That means, to avoid misunderstandings, we need to be aware of our state of mind and that of the other party. Otherwise you will jump to conclusions.

Often we don’t see conflicts as devastating when we look at them from a distance.  This helps us avoid emotions like pride, which can make our situation worse. By stepping back and looking at the situation, we often manage to respond in a better way before we hurt someone.


The difference between pride and dignity

Following this line of thinking, it is important to distinguish between pride and dignity. Pride is selfish and negative. Dignity on the other hand is formed by respect.

However, it is obvious to almost everyone that it can be difficult to tell the difference between these two poses. Dignity wants to maintain balance and equality between the possibilities, thoughts and actions. Pride on the other hand likes to be the boss.


Reaching an understanding

As we have noticed, it is sometimes difficult to make ourselves understandable. This is especially true if  our motives are grounded in another reality. We can repeat what we think over and over, but the person in front of us may not understand what we want to say.

This does not mean that there is anything wrong with the person we are speaking to. It simply means that it is at a different time in life and has a different perspective than we have.

It is natural for people to want their thoughts and feelings confirmed. If this is not done in a good way, it can be an obstacle to understanding, if the goal is to make the other understand what we see.

We cannot always control all the variables that ensure good communication. It is always a good idea to think about the situation by taking a step back. This allows us to think about the whole situation.

Locked up

Being responsible for what we say

The possibility and power of the anger and misunderstanding can be very strong. They are proportional to the emotional implication we attach to the subject  in question.

The closer we are to the person, the more important it is to properly interpret what they say. But this also allows us to better understand a different kind of message that they radiate.

Each person should try to interpret the words in relation to the ties he/she has with the other person. The same goes for expectations, personal interests and where they are emotionally.

That is why it is important to make sure that there is no bad communication. Poor communication can generate torment and thought processes. In other words, we must be careful not to end up in an emotional tornado. This means we shouldn’t be playing devil’s advocate.


Avoiding misunderstandings by being more tolerant

We must fight evil intentions that seek to undermine our integrity. The best way to do this is to take a step back and look at the situation from a distance. This means taking a step back, tolerating differences, and not letting others belittle our needs.

The best relationship we can have with others comes from looking at the difference between actions and words . We should always keep the reality of other people in mind. This makes it important that we are always careful. We also have to keep in mind that often  the only certainty about intentional distance is that it gives us time.

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