The 6 Benefits Of Doing Pilates Every Week

Doing Pilates does not only help improve your posture and flexibility. Pilates is also a means to completely disconnect from the world and put your stress and worries aside.
The 6 benefits of doing Pilates every week

More and more people are discovering the benefits of doing Pilates every week. What once started as exercise has now turned into an activity that benefits both your mental and physical health.

Pilates helps people lose weight, have strong muscles, improve their posture and reduce feelings of stress or anxiety.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the biggest benefits of doing Pilates. We’re talking about a technique that allows you to stay in shape without running the risk of hurting yourself.

At the same time, you will notice that your body becomes more flexible and more toned : something that you will never want to lose again.

The 6 benefits of doing Pilates

1. Lose Weight Gradually

Gradually lose weight

Pilates activates your metabolism, the bodily function that regulates your body’s energy expenditure. When your metabolism goes up, your body temperature also rises. This will make you sweat more, which means you will burn more calories. In this way you will gradually lose weight.

It is ideal to combine Pilates with a form of (aerobic) exercise, such as (running) walking, dancing, swimming or cycling.

In this way you automatically get a good body balance between weight loss and cardio training. This is the healthiest and most effective way to lose weight and then not gain it again.

2. Slim down without hurting yourself

Slim down without hurting yourself

Doing Pilates regularly is an excellent way to lose weight while increasing your strength and resistance.

Pilates exercises move your entire body  and thus reach the different muscle groups in your body. In addition, they help create a balance between your upper and lower body: something that makes it different from other sports.

Another big advantage is that doing Pilates helps you avoid injuries. This is done by the type of exercises you do, using your own body weight or light weights, among other things . Pilates uses light weights, elastic bands, medicine balls of various sizes, running sessions, and so on.

3. Get your body in shape

Get your body in shape

By stimulating weight loss and training your muscles, you can get your body more in shape. Muscles don’t necessarily get bigger, but they get more definition. At the same time, the stretching exercises help you by improving your posture.

Getting your body in shape will make you feel better about yourself. As a woman you will look more feminine and your natural curves will come out better.

If you are a man, your muscles will be more visible and your chest and leg muscles will be more in proportion.

4. Develop better posture

Pilates contributes to getting a better posture

The benefits of doing Pilates that we mentioned earlier also help to develop better posture.

Because your abdominal muscles are trained, the perfect basis for a straight back is created. And it works the same the other way around: because you train both your lower and upper back with Pilates, your abs stay in shape.

Strong leg and glutes are also important in supporting your body. Your whole body works best when it is in balance.

Pilates can therefore be seen as a true full-body workout – no part of your body is skipped.

5. Gain Flexibility

More flexibility

A Pilates workout always includes stretching exercises. These are done both at the beginning and at the end of the exercises. But stretching and stretching are also included in the rest of the exercises.

Proper stretching is necessary to train your muscles in a complete way. Whatever happens, you should never limit yourself to just one short stretching and stretching.

If you do stretching exercises you will see that your flexibility improves slowly. This helps to prevent injuries and also prevents muscle and joint problems.

More flexibility also contributes to better posture and creates a good basis for practicing any sport.

6. Reduce Stress

Reduce stress and anxiety

Pilates doesn’t just help you lose weight, tone up and get in shape. Regular physical exercise provides many benefits for your nervous system. Doing Pilates therefore helps you to fight things like stress, worry and depression.

More than anything else, concentration and coordination are important in Pilates. These two qualities will help you clear your head and put your worries aside. It also helps reduce other burdens you carry, such as problems at work, family problems, or emotional stress.

During a Pilates session, your mind is focused on how your body moves, your strength, your balance and your breathing. This makes the practice of Pilates a powerful way to reduce stress.

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