Tips To Combat Emotional Emptiness

Above all, to combat emotional emptiness, you must learn to love yourself and avoid things that are harmful to you. Live in and enjoy the present.
Tips to combat emotional emptiness

Few conditions are as crippling as living with emotional emptiness. While a “vacuum” usually refers to an absence of something, in psychological terms it refers to suffering, discomfort, and immense grief.

Emotional emptiness is usually described in terms of relationship problems, but it actually goes much further than that. Personal frustrations, childhood pain, failure, or even stress and anxiety, among others, can cause this unpleasant state. It is a degree of emotional dissatisfaction that can completely disconnect a person from their inner self.

In this article we therefore share five ways in which you can restore this connection with your inner self. The closer you embrace the person you really are, the easier it will be for you to heal that emotional emptiness.

We encourage you to put these tips into practice. It will be well worth your time.

1. Stop being afraid of loneliness

An emotional vacuum has a lot to do with feelings of loneliness. In most cases this is what hurts people so much, for example the feeling of being alone, misunderstood or even misplaced.

Here are a few examples of this close connection between loneliness and emotional emptiness:

  • You are in a relationship, but your partner gives you a deep sense of loneliness, misunderstanding and unhappiness.
  • You don’t feel that you get support from the people around you.
  • You have never been close or happy with your parents or other family members.

All of these personal dynamics can create a feeling of dissatisfaction and loneliness, along with a sense of being lost.

  • One way to heal this pain, however, is to reconnect with your inner self.
  • Learn to understand that you yourself are the love of your life and that you should always be your own best company. No one is more entitled to the respect, attention, care and affection that is hidden in your own heart.
  • Learn to understand that if you don’t learn to enjoy your own solitude, you will look for what is missing in others.
A girl with flowers

2. Let go of the things that hurt you to heal emotional emptiness

  • We say it again: an emotional ‘vacuum’ does not imply the absence of something. It’s a wound that hasn’t healed yet, a weight that’s suffocating you, a burning scar.
  • Understand that you lack nothing that you do not already have. You are a complete person who has all the necessities to pursue his own well-being.
  • All you need to do is learn to get in touch with yourself better and to do that, you need to learn to listen to yourself.
  • Identify what bothers you, what hurts you and also what makes you unhappy.
  • Become aware of the things you don’t like about yourself (your insecurities, fears, obsessions…).

Getting in touch with those darker parts of your inner self will be the first step. Let go of the things that hurt you and cause emotional emptiness.

Girl hiding behind flowers

3. Turn off that mental noise

Your inner self is surrounded by a dense and complex mental noise that prevents you from being free. A wall is created around your freedom and true essence.

  • That mental noise consists of ‘I can’t do it’ and ‘I wouldn’t dare’ or ‘if I do this I will disappoint so many people’ …
  • Turn off that persistent noise that emanates from the swamps and thorns within you. Become your own number one priority and regain your freedom, fill yourself with confidence and bring light and security into that emotional vacuum.

4. You don’t need anyone to plant flowers for your own soul

We wait half our lives for someone to fill our void. After all, we want someone to bring flowers to our soul and take us by the hand and lead us to happiness and fulfillment.

However, this romantic image is wrong and is not even healthy. No one is obligated to make you feel fulfilled or to save you from yourself. You are the one who has to save yourself, who has to take care of yourself.

The best thing you can do is build your own happiness every day. Plant a garden in your own soul and become the person you want to be. This is how you can avoid that emotional vacuum.


5. Take care of your physical well-being

You already know that you need to take care of your thoughts and attitude. A positive, realistic and brave mindset is the best strategy for healing that emotional vacuum.

However, in addition to taking care of your mind, it is also important to take care of your health, your body and your heart. So take a look at the following tips:

  • Sleep at least eight hours a day.
  • Keep to the same eating and resting schedule every day.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Make sure you walk for thirty minutes every day.
  • Practice relaxation techniques, such as yoga or walking.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Start each day with a glass of warm water and lemon.
  • Never skip breakfast.
  • Eat smaller portions, but make sure to consume five meals a day.

Live in the present moment, enjoy every meal, every walk. Don’t obsess about yesterday or fear the future. This moment is all that matters, all that exists. 

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