Unrequited Love Is Like Waiting For The Train In The Airport

Like yourself and respect yourself. The relationship with yourself is the most important of all. More important than the relationship with your partner or with other people. Also make sure that others respect you.
Unrequited love is like waiting for the train in the airport

Unrequited love, to love someone who will not return your love. It’s like longing for snow in summer. It’s like trying to sail a sailboat with no sails, or waiting for the train in the airport.

With unrequited love you will achieve nothing. Besides, it will cost you a lot of pain. However, some people find it very difficult to break through this situation, even though they know and realize that the love is not mutual.

We have known the story of unrequited love since time immemorial. There is no such thing as a moment when you understand why a person does not return your love. Why is that person being so indifferent to you? Why does the man or woman of your dreams reject you? You do not understand…

If you do this in the right way, it can be a big step towards personal growth. It will allow you to understand what is most important: maintaining your self-esteem without losing your dignity.

But what if you find yourself in a situation where the other person makes it clear that there is no more hope? If you still feel the need to wait for that love, while you only get crumbs, then that can be very destructive.

We invite you to think about this.

Unrequited love is liking without being liked

To like without being liked creates a contradiction in the brain. You have built up a territory with all your emotional investments. It is inhabited by your dreams, your hopes and your beliefs. But they collide with the wall of reality, that the other person doesn’t like you.

Of course you can say that such a situation is not always so simple. First, there are nuances. In addition, there are special cases that increase the emotional complexity in such situations. We will analyze this further.

False hope

If it’s love, take care of it. If it’s unrequited love, don’t cheat yourself. This should be the gist. It defines us as who we are and helps us to have relationships in a more mature and respectful way.

Woman with Birds

Sometimes you get caught up in a relationship both personally and emotionally. Someone is really just giving you the hope that something concrete might actually happen.

  • Those people feel alone. To avoid isolation, they make you believe that you hold an important place in their hearts. In reality it is a lie. This is very dangerous.
  • False hopes can also result from a person’s poor emotional strength. The person fails to tell you that he doesn’t like you and that he is not interested in you.
  • Instead of ending the relationship, some get swept up in the relationship because they are afraid to hurt or disappoint you.
  • This can also occur in the case of love partners. Perhaps one of them no longer loves the other. And instead of making a clean sweep, he continues to prolong the situation. In this way, he creates a false and painful relationship.

Don’t know how to respond

Loving someone is intimate, delicate and profound. Love builds over time. You go through a number of very important phases.

  • You are faced with negativity. You already fully realize that you are not liked and that you will not be liked. At that moment you get into a situation where you don’t know how to react.
  • Knowing that you are not liked means that you have reached a dead end. All you feel is loss.
  • After that, you only have one choice left: you will have to go through all the phases. From awareness to anger and emotional release, until you can finally accept.
Woman with butterfly wings

You are a person of dignity; you never deserve crumbs

You think there is always hope. Maybe if you do things differently, that person will like you after all. Perhaps, if you do this or do that, he or she will become the person who once loved you.

But while love is the most intense and wonderful thing in a person’s life, it can also be the most painful. A major wound, which can even grow into a blind obsession.

  • You can fall into a spiral of slow self-destruction. But during all these periods of intense emotional pain, one belief must prevail: like yourself.
  • It is best to distance yourself. Use the physical distance as your life jacket. It is the best medicine to give yourself the chance to reconnect with yourself.
  • However, not seeing or meeting the person again is not enough. You will have to sever all ties with certain social networks. Avoid the places and groups that you know you will look forward to seeing. Because in those moments, it will be hard to resist your desire to keep seeing him or her or to share anything, or to check who he or she is hanging out with.

You should avoid this.

Woman with butterfly


Beautiful love is not hurtful. She does not feed false hopes. Let go if you don’t get love back. Say goodbye to unrequited love and move on. Resume the relationship with yourself, with your identity.

One day you will meet the one who is right for you. It doesn’t matter whether this has already happened or not. Loving yourself is the greatest adventure. By loving yourself, you can fully enjoy life and move on. 

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