What Should You Eat To Have Normal Hemoglobin Levels?

Low hemoglobin levels cause anemia. Find out which foods you should or should not eat to maintain normal hemoglobin levels in your blood and prevent disease.
What should you eat to have normal hemoglobin levels?

If you do not want to suffer from anemia, it is necessary that you maintain a normal hemoglobin level in your blood. There are foods that can help you with this task.

In this article we introduce you to these foods. However, we would like to give you some basic information first. After all, you need to know a few things about this vital protein. So find out how it works in your body and what a normal hemoglobin level is.

What is Hemoglobin?

what is hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is a protein found inside your red blood cells. Its job is to carry the oxygen from your lungs to your tissues and carry the carbon (CO2) from your tissues to your lungs.

However, in men and women, the hemoglobin level is different:

  • The normal hemoglobin level in men is 13.8 – 14 g/dl.
  • In women it is 12.1 – 15 g/dl.
  • In pregnant women, hemoglobin should be equal to or greater than 11.0 g/dl.

The level in children varies according to their age. However, for healthy growth it is very important that they have normal hemoglobin levels:

  • Children from 6 months to 14 years old: 11 g/dl
  • From 5 to 12 years: 11.5 g/dl
  • From 12 to 15 years: 12.0 g/dl or more

Hemoglobin is also the most valuable clue to diagnose anemia. If the hemoglobin level is below normal, you may be anemic.

Hemoglobin is also the component that gives your blood its red color. It also has important functions for your body. That is why it must be kept at a stable level.

To find out what your hemoglobin level is and how to control it, you can have a blood test. This is called a blood test. To do this they measure the most important components in your blood.

An iron deficiency

Hemoglobin deficiency is directly linked to iron deficiency. You may also know that this can cause you to suffer from iron deficiency anemia. For example, due to a decrease in the amount of iron in your body. In addition, it is also not good to have a high hemoglobin level. This can also cause serious damage.

Your hemoglobin level depends, among other things, on a good diet and regular exercise. However, these are not the only factors that can alter your hemoglobin level.

What Happens When You Have Low Hemoglobin?

The Effects of Low Hemoglobin Levels

Low hemoglobin can cause several problems. Here are some possible consequences:

  • Anemia.
  • Anemia due to an iron deficiency. This is caused by a poor absorption of iron or the lack of a balanced diet.
  • Heavy periods.
  • Leukemia.
  • radiation therapy.
  • Different types of cancer.

Symptoms of Low Hemoglobin Level

Meanwhile, there are also several symptoms of low hemoglobin. Here are some examples:

  • Weakness, fatigue and exhaustion
  • Dizziness, chills, and headache
  • Laziness and irritability
  • weight loss
  • Pale skin
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Problems of arrhythmia due to irregular heartbeat
  • Tachycardia
  • Problems with concentration

What happens when you have a high hemoglobin level?

If your hemoglobin level is too high, you should also be vigilant. It can be an indication of more serious health problems.

Here are some possible causes:

  • Brain tumors and meningitis
  • A stroke caused by a cardiovascular accident
  • Exposure to extreme altitudes
  • heart problems
  • Dehydration
  • Lung problems and smoking
  • The use of certain medications

Symptoms of a high hemoglobin level

Symptoms of Low Hemoglobin Level

You should then watch out for the following symptoms:

  • Skin color changes
  • Trouble breathing
  • Dizziness
  • Blood clotting problems and excessive bleeding
  • Swelling of the spleen
  • Redness in the face
  • A burning or stinging sensation or itching
  • Stomach ache

What should you eat to have normal hemoglobin levels?

A balanced diet with sufficient iron improves the production of this component. So it will help your body maintain normal hemoglobin levels.

When your body doesn’t have enough iron, it looks for other sources. This then leads to the drastic drop in your hemoglobin level. The foods you eat should therefore contain the appropriate amounts of vitamin B12, folic acid and iron.

We will now list some foods that should be part of your daily diet. In this way you help your body to maintain a normal hemoglobin level:

1. Foods High in Iron

Food rich in iron

To make sure you get enough iron, you should eat the following foods.  Of course, you should also be careful and avoid any allergic reaction.

  • Red meat
  • Legumes such as lentils
  • shellfish
  • Liver
  • Vegetables, especially those with a dark green color such as spinach
  • Pineapple
  • Nuts and especially almonds

2. Foods That Provide You With Folic Acid

Food full of folic acid

Folic acid is very important for the production of red blood cells. These are some foods that contain folic acid:

  • Fortified grains
  • Seeds
  • Wheat Germ
  • Peanuts, walnuts
  • beef liver
  • Black beans
  • Spinach, asparagus and broccoli

3. Foods That Give You Vitamin B12

Food with vitamin B12
  • Animal products
  • Fortified grains

4. Foods With Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Vitamin C facilitates the absorption of iron in your body. You can get vitamin C from these products:

  • Fruits such as mangoes, oranges, strawberries, tangerines
  • Vegetables such as spinach, kale, peppers and broccoli

Note: If your diet contains a lot of vitamin C, we recommend that you also eat a little more folic acid.

If you have a low hemoglobin level, you can raise it by changing your diet. Another alternative is to take natural remedies. If necessary, you can also resort to medical treatment.

Juices that increase your hemoglobin

Juices Can Increase Hemoglobin Levels

Some juices help you raise your hemoglobin level. They are made with beetroot, carrots, lemons and oranges.

Beet juice is good for your blood. In addition, it is very beneficial in cases of anemia that comes from problems with your bone marrow.

You can also mix beet juice with carrot juice or orange juice. It is an effective way to increase low hemoglobin from a deficient diet.

Plants with special properties that increase hemoglobin

  • Dandelion: you can eat these flowers in salads or drink them in tea.
  • Dill: This herb is good when your hemoglobin level is low due to blood loss. Grind the seeds and use it to season other foods.
  • Nettle:  it contains a lot of iron and vitamins. Therefore, this is a great food to increase hemoglobin levels. You can eat the leaves of young nettles in both salads and soup.

Foods That Change Your Hemoglobin Levels

However, not all foods are good. So if you’re trying to maintain an appropriate amount of hemoglobin, don’t eat them. Below we list some foods that you should therefore avoid.

Foods That Block Iron

Coffee blocks iron

Some foods and products can actually hinder your body from absorbing iron. Examples include:

  • soft drinks
  • coffee and tea
  • parsley
  • milk
  • antacids
  • foods high in calcium and fiber

Eat less gluten

Gluten can damage the lining of the small intestine. This happens in people who are sensitive to gluten. It can reduce the absorption of nutrients such as iron and folic acid.

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