What To Eat When You Suffer From Heartburn

Heartburn, or the burning sensation in your stomach, is one of the biggest motivations for going to the doctor in the 21st century. This pain normally occurs after eating, especially after eating large meals. Different foods can affect everyone’s body in their own way. When you want to control heartburn, the ingredients in this article are wonderfully good at regulating it.
What to eat when you suffer from heartburn

Heartburn can be named as a modern ailment. We suffer from it more and more. In this article we therefore want to share with you what you can eat when you suffer from heartburn.

What causes stomach acid?


Heartburn is a burning pain in your esophagus. It mainly occurs in the lower areas close to your stomach. Heartburn is caused by the reflux of stomach acid.

The burn starts in your chest. In some cases, it can reach your neck, jaw, or tongue.

The most common causes of heartburn are:

  • stress
  • Diets rich in saturated fats
  • Eating too much of processed or refined carbohydrates
  • Eating too fast and not chewing your food properly
  • Missing meals (this affects your digestive rhythm)
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • To smoke
  • Not moving enough
  • Not sleeping enough
  • The bacterium Helicobacter pylori

As you may see, many of the causes are based on our lifestyle. We can change this problem and prevent even worse conditions such as stomach ulcers and gastritis. All we have to do is change some daily habits.

Foods for when you suffer from heartburn

Having heartburn can be very annoying. It can even keep us from doing various activities that we normally enjoy doing.

When we suffer from heartburn, we often do not feel the need to eat. However, there are several foods that can calm your symptoms.


This grain is normally eaten for breakfast. It makes us feel full and soothes the burning sensation of the acid.

The good news is you can eat this when you’re hungry. We recommend that you combine this with raisins. Don’t worry about the possible reactions. Oatmeal absorbs the acid from the raisins.



Ginger has a strong taste, so you should always use it in moderation. That said, this is one of the best remedies for heartburn. It is anti-inflammatory for gastrointestinal problems. 

Toast a small piece and make ginger tea or add it to other meals or smoothies. It gives your food a kind of citrus taste.

aloe vera

This is one of the best natural remedies for wound healing. When we suffer from heartburn, our esophagus wall is damaged. That’s why we need aloe vera.

You can find the gel in the leaves of the plant. You can eat the gel directly or process it in a juice. Others also eat products made from aloe vera.

 Green salade

Green salade

Green leaves, such as lettuce or arugula, are very important. They have the ability to calm the burning pain.

We recommend that you do not add onion, tomato, cheese or dressing in your salad. The best dressing is a pinch of salt and a little olive oil.

Garlic is an ingredient that you should always have in your salads. It contains a lot of water and is a good source of fiber. Plus, garlic will satisfy your appetite.


This is a good food to eat in the mid-morning or late afternoon. Bananas have a pH of 5.6. This means that the acid is soothed by this.

Some people actually get worse heartburn after eating this fruit. It’s a matter of trying it out and seeing if your heartburn gets worse or better.


Like bananas, you can also eat watermelon if you suffer from heartburn. It’s true that melons are mostly water, but they regulate the level of acid in your stomach. 

You can eat a piece after your lunch or dinner. Then you can see, just like with the bananas, whether it works for you or not.



This medicinal plant is amazing. Not only is it rich in nutrients, it also aids your digestion.

Fennel has a soft taste and a crunchy structure. You can add it to salads, soup, quiche or sauces. Cut it into small rounds and mix it with arugula and spinach. Then add a little bit of olive oil and you are ready to eat.

Chicken or turkey

White meat is a better option for you if you suffer from acidity. When we eat this, it is best baked or grilled. Never eat fried white meat or meat with the skin on. This makes it too rich in fat.

Fish and seafood

The rule of the game for seafood is the same as for chicken: never eat it fried. The best options are shrimp and salmon. It is also better if these are wild and not farmed.

Cooked vegetables

Asparagus and Tomato

Besides eating raw vegetables in salads, we can also eat them cooked. Some good examples are cabbage, asparagus and broccoli.

We recommend eating root vegetables such as carrots and beets. These must be cooked. 


Couscous, whole wheat bulgur or wheat can also be added to this group. In terms of rice, it is best to opt for whole grain or brown rice. All these types are good if you suffer from heartburn. However, remember to eat a cup of rice together with cooked vegetables.

You should also always consult a doctor in case of serious conditions , because natural remedies are no substitute for the advice of an expert.

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