What To Watch Out For With A Weakened Immune System?

Constant fatigue, colds and sore throats can be obvious symptoms of a weakened immune system. That’s why it’s important to be able to recognize signals from your body when this happens.
What to watch out for in a weakened immune system

Constant fatigue, colds and sore throats can be obvious symptoms of a weakened immune system. That’s why it’s important to be able to recognize signals from your body when this happens. Remember that your immune system plays a key role in your well-being.

What is the immune system?

According to Stanford Children’s Health, “The immune system keeps infectious microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses and fungi, out of the body.”

However, it can happen that the immune system becomes weaker. Poor nutrition, stress or other conditions can prevent it from fulfilling its basic functions. What should you look for to know if you have a weak immune system? We explain it to you in this article.

How do you recognize a weakened immune system?

Your immune system is your defense against certain external substances that can enter your body and cause damage. The network of cells, tissues and organs that make up this system is responsible for working together to protect your body. These protective cells are called lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell.

In addition, they are responsible for attacking the microorganisms that cause disease. These cells are located in the thymus, spleen and bone marrow. They are called lymphatic organs.

If you have a low level of white blood cells at some point, it is difficult for you to cope with illness. That is why it is important to know what to look out for.

At that point you should go to the doctor. Your doctor is the one who will look for the cause of a weakened immune system and then develop a treatment plan. Keep reading to find out what the symptoms are.

1. Constant Fatigue

Constant fatigue may indicate a weakened immune system

Indeed, there are many things that cause fatigue. If you feel constantly fatigued, including feeling exhausted when you wake up in the morning, it’s a clear sign that your immune system is weakened.

Another sign to look out for is a feeling of fatigue, even after you haven’t done much. You may also feel uncomfortable when the temperature changes. All of these symptoms are important to keep in mind.

2. Common Infections Can Cause a Weakened Immune System

Urinary tract infections, stomach infections, or swollen or red gums are all signs that something is wrong. In addition, if you often suffer from diarrhea, this can also indicate a weakened immune system.

Now you may be wondering why things like this happen. It is likely that the immune system does not fight the external substances as it should, so those substances take advantage of this and attack you. In other words, your immune system cannot defend you against bacteria, fungi and viruses.

3. Allergies

Some people are more sensitive to allergic reactions than others. Things like dust, pollen or other environmental factors can pose a threat to your skin or mucous membranes.

That is why this is also something that can ultimately affect your health. If you suffer from allergies, it is also possible that you have a weakened immune system.

4. Recurring Colds

A woman blows her nose

How many colds do you normally get per year? One a month? Does your throat always hurt? Do you often get the flu? Then it is a good idea that you go to the doctor to have your white blood cells checked. You may have a weakened immune system, which means it isn’t protecting you properly.

5. Wounds Don’t Heal Fast

Wounds that do not heal, but do become infected, inflamed and also very painful, are usually symptoms of a weakened immune system. If you notice this happening, it’s a good idea to contact your doctor. He or she will know what’s best for you.

How to strengthen a weakened immune system

1. Watch your diet

A good diet goes hand in hand with good health. Sometimes we only pay attention to one when we are sick. To prevent this, it is important to always follow a varied and balanced diet.

It should be rich in fruits, vegetables and lean proteins, but at the same time you should avoid sugar, fats and alcohol. Citrus fruits are also very good for strengthening your defenses.

2. Get enough sleep

Getting a restful sleep is essential to keep your immune system strong. This way your body can replenish its energy to make sure all your systems are working properly. Insomnia and stress are the enemies of good health.

3. Hygiene and cleaning

Wash your hands to prevent bacteria

It is important to wash your hands a few times a day. It’s actually just as important to your health as keeping your food clean.

Also, wash the vegetables you cook and the fruits you eat thoroughly. Hold them under running water and make sure to rinse off any dirt you see. All of this is essential to keep your immune system from weakening.

5. Control your stress

Stress is not just your body’s response to an unpleasant situation. If it persists over time, it can become a chronic condition, gradually deteriorating your health. Also, the build-up of toxins in your body can weaken your immune system. Then you get sick.

Keep all these tips in mind. Set your priorities, take care of yourself and spend some time with yourself. Then you know for sure that you are safe from the common dangers that can weaken your immune system. Stay healthy!

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