Why Is Dried Fruit Good For You?

From the menopause, women start to lose bone mass, with all the consequences that entails. However, dried fruits can provide the body with energy and make bones stronger.
Why is dried fruit good for you?

Dried fruits are a healthy and delicious option that you should never miss from your diet. Although all the water is removed from the fruits during the dehydration process, dried fruits still offer many benefits. Think of a lot of minerals and proteins that are ideal to start your day full of energy.

How can you resist this now? It can help prevent constipation and, thanks to the high concentration of calcium and zinc, also make your bones stronger. Thus, it is a great ally for your health, as long as you don’t eat too much of it, of course.

In this article, we’ll give you all the information you need to make the right choices and take full advantage of consuming dried fruit.

Does dried fruit cause weight gain?

Raisins and Apricots

This is probably the first question that comes to mind. Why? Many people choose to avoid dried fruit because they believe it is full of sugar.

Although dried fruit does indeed contain slightly more sugar than fresh fruit (think raisins, for example), the dehydration process also ensures that dried fruit contains a much higher concentration of nutrients.

This makes dried fruit a healthy food source that you should not miss.

To better understand the benefits of eating dried fruit, we have made a list of the necessary information:

  • Dried food contains a high concentration of nutrients and provides your body with four times more energy than fresh, “moist” food.
  • Dried fruit is much easier to digest and is also very satiating. This means you need to eat far less dried fruit than fresh fruit to feel full.
  • Enough people include dried fruit in their diet. D hese fruits namely promoting good digestion and only 100 grams, you can get all completely full. As a result, dried fruit provides your body with energy and you have less need to snack between meals.
  • The secret to only benefiting from eating dried fruit is to eat the right amount. That is, no more than 100 grams per day. This provides your body and bones with the nutrients they need and you can also combat chronic fatigue. We emphasize that you should not eat more than 100 grams per day for this. This is to prevent a dip in your sugar level afterwards.

The benefits of dried fruit for the bones

Dried fruits and nuts

Have you ever heard about  how eating dried figs can help treat osteoporosis?  This is important to remember, especially if you are a woman. Women generally lose more bone density than men as they age.

Dried fruit is a healthy addition to your diet. This is especially true for plums, dates, apricots and berries. They are all delicious!

In addition, these dried fruits are great to add to your breakfast. They can also be used well in all kinds of recipes and meat dishes.

Other benefits of dried fruit

Are you ready to find out what else dried fruit can do for you?

  • Dried fruits are a natural source of iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. So it’s  a veritable treasure trove of nutrients your bones need to fight osteoporosis.
  • It may reduce the risk of certain  degenerative diseases due to its vitamin E and C content and antioxidant content.
  • Dried fruit improves digestion, cleanses the intestines and prevents toxins and other harmful substances from building up in the body. This is due to the high concentration of fiber in dried fruit.
  • It is a natural source of potassium and B complex vitamins, all of which are good for taking care of bones.
  • It contains no sodium and is rich in micronutrients believed to  help lower blood pressure.
  • Dried fruits are rich in healthy fats, such as omega 3 and omega 6.
  • It is ideal for curbing the appetite.
  • Due to the high amount of nutrients, many athletes add dried fruit to their daily diet. They do this to provide their bodies with more energy with less food and to improve their physical performance.
  • Dried fruit is commonly seen as a treat that provides “energy and a positive outlook.” Therefore, it is  ideal for menopausal women who feel more tired and depressed than before. This is because dried fruit contains many so-called “phytoestrogens”. These have the same effect as the female body’s own oestrogens. In addition, women from the menopause suffer from a lower amount of calcium in their bones. That is why it is important to eat 100 grams of dried fruit daily. Dried figs in particular are rich in calcium.

The best dried fruit you can eat

As we mentioned above, the most suitable amount of dried fruit you can eat per day is about 100 grams.  This is roughly equivalent to a handful.

You can vary your choice based on your taste and needs, but dried fruit is a great snack between meals and can also give other meals an original twist.

Either way, dried fruit is always a natural food source that will improve your health. So it is definitely worth eating in moderation. Now let’s see what the best options are.

1. Dried figs

Dried figs

Dried figs strengthen the bones and also have a great laxative effect. A good time to eat a handful of dried figs is at breakfast along with a few almonds. They are delicious and provide your body with a natural mix of calories (energy), calcium and magnesium.

2. Prunes

Dried plums

Prunes are high in fiber and a great way to combat constipation. In addition, dried plums contain high amounts of iron and B complex vitamins.

3. Dried dates

Dried Dates

These fruits provide a variety of nutrients, such as iron and magnesium, and several vitamins (particularly vitamins A and B complex).

Dried dates are therefore great for improving your concentration and mental agility. In addition, dates are rich in magnesium and calcium, which can help you sleep better at night.

Do you know when is the best time to eat dates? Try to eat five dates half an hour before bedtime.

4. Dried Cranberries

Dried cranberries are the best choice for regulating your cholesterol levels and improving your heart health. At the same time, these tiny dried berries offer a host of other benefits thanks to their high antioxidant content.

The best way to eat them? In a delicious bowl of oatmeal or mixed with a little plain yogurt. They are delicious!

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