Why Is It Important To Consume Protein?

It is important to consume protein daily. In the next article, we’ll tell you more about this essential macronutrient and its functions.
Why is it important to consume protein?

Knowing what proteins are is fundamental. These nutrients, which come from our diet, are essential and perform many different functions in the body. Consuming protein is therefore very important.

Below we will tell you in detail everything you need to know about proteins. Once you understand the health implications of protein, you’ll likely pay more attention to meeting your body’s need for this nutrient.


There are 3 types of macronutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. We call them macronutrients because we need them in large quantities to nourish our bodies. We can find proteins in different foods. They enable us to meet our body’s energy needs.

The specific functions of proteins are diverse. We can find them in both animal and plant foods and they are part of cellular structures and tissues. Guaranteeing a correct intake therefore helps to prevent the loss of muscle mass.

According to the current scientific literature, not consuming the necessary proteins is one of the risk factors that can cause sarcopenia. This disease causes progressive muscle destruction and loss of strength throughout the body.

In addition, proteins have many other physiological and anatomical implications. They can act as enzymes and catalyze internal reactions in cells and the internal environment.

This would be an acceleration of processes (Spanish link) that normally run slow. It is even possible to convert them to glucose at the hepatic level to produce energy.

Consuming protein for good body composition

The muscles in an arm

A protein deficiency can lead to disease. Until recently, experts believed that too much protein was also harmful (Spanish link). Today, however, deficiencies are believed to be more worrisome than excessive consumption when it comes to protein.

Despite the fact that proteins in the body are able to perform very diverse tasks, their most relevant function is structural. When it comes to muscle growth, it is essential for athletes to guarantee the right amount.

People with a sedentary lifestyle should consume 0.54 grams of this nutrient per pound of ideal body weight per day. For athletes, this is almost 0.90 grams per kg of ideal body weight.

A recent review of studies published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition even recommends increasing intake to 1.36 grams per pound of ideal body weight per day in those people who suffer from increased muscle breakdown.

However, it is not only in the context of sports that it is important to keep an eye on protein consumption. Proteins help prevent and reduce the cachexia processes associated with cancer, experts say.

This condition includes a progressive loss of weight and muscle mass. This in turn increases the risk of death in cancer patients.

Does Consuming Protein Affect Kidney Function?

One of the arguments used to limit protein intake was that excessive consumption could cause liver and kidney damage in the medium term. For this reason, experts have recommended no more than 0.36 grams of this nutrient per pound of ideal body weight for people with high levels of sedentarism (Spanish link).

However, a review published in 2017 analyzed the results of several studies in which high doses of dietary proteins were taken over a long period of time. The results of most studies showed no damage to the kidneys. For this reason, experts now consider high-protein diets to be safe.

Not all proteins are the same

Plant foods

So now you understand the importance of consuming protein. However, not all dietary protein is of the same quality. There are two basic classes, depending on their origin: animal or vegetable.

Animal proteins have a greater biological value. This means that they contain all the essential amino acids for the human body. These are amino acids that the body cannot produce itself. They also have an acceptable level of digestibility.

Plant proteins, on the other hand, often lack some essential amino acids (Spanish link). Moreover, their digestibility is lower, which limits protein absorption. They are also necessary for a varied diet.

However, experts advise making sure that at least 50% of the proteins in the diet are of animal origin. Vegetarians and vegans should ask a dietitian for help to put together a complete diet.

To help you understand the importance of essential amino acids, we will emphasize that some of them are involved in the maintenance of muscle mass. This is the case with leucine. It is able to stimulate the body’s anabolic pathways, increasing the formation of muscle tissue.

Recent research published in The Journal of Nutrition concludes that supplementation with this amino acid as a supplement can prevent muscle loss in the elderly. Still, diet is always the best way to absorb it.

Make sure you eat enough protein

In this article we looked at the importance of protein in the diet. Inadequate consumption of this nutrient will jeopardize muscle health and other physiological responses, such as the formation of certain hormones.

To make sure you’re getting the amount of protein you need, it’s important that you analyze your diet. If an animal food is present at every main meal and eat a varied diet, it is unlikely that you are deficient. In any case, try to guarantee the presence of vegetable proteins in your snacks.

Until a few years ago, experts thought it was best to get 0.36 grams of protein per pound of ideal body weight per day. Today, however, the recommendation has increased. So do not neglect the consumption of protein and in the long run your health will reap the benefits.

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