Your Slim Waist Back In One Month With 5 Basic Steps

How can you reduce the size of your waist? You need a comprehensive plan. These 5 steps will help you change your eating habits and exercise more. With this plan you stimulate fat burning.
Your slim waist back in one month with 5 basic steps

Your slim waist from the past is back, how do you do that? Keep this fact in mind: When you gain weight, the extra fat doesn’t always build up on the same parts of the body.

Where you will lose weight depends on a number of factors. Genetic properties, diet, exercise habits and hormonal changes all play a role.

In this article, we’ll explain five basic steps to get your slim waist back. By following the steps, you will naturally reduce your waist size in one month. At the same time, you improve your general health.

Your slim waist back by taking care of yourself

There’s no point in clinging to strict diets to reduce your waistline. If you tend to accumulate fat around the abdomen, you will eventually lose fat in other parts of your body. Your belly fat will therefore remain stubborn.

Therefore it is essential that you follow the following basic steps. Take into account the possible causes of your weight problem. You will not only reduce your waist size, but also improve your general health. At the same time you will feel lighter and experience more energy and vitality.

Your slim waist back by taking care of yourself

1. Eat only 80% of your regular meals

What does this mean? By eating 80% of your usual amounts, you learn to stop eating without that full feeling. You get used to finishing the meal with a little hunger left. 

The ultimate and ideal goal is that you no longer feel hungry. You thus manage to gradually cut out a little bit more food, such as dessert.

However, to achieve this, you must learn to eat correctly.

  • Chew your food.
  • Eat relaxed and without haste.
  • Avoid major distractions during meals.

This way you will feel satisfied faster. In addition, you avoid overeating or feeling the urge to eat more.

Eating only 80% will reduce the waist size. This also prevents inflammation. You will also feel lighter and less sleepy after meals.

2. Include more protein and good fats in your diet

When you want to lose weight and inches, you usually think about calories and limiting your diet to lettuce. However, more and more studies show that low-calorie diets are unhealthy. They also cause a yo-yo effect. After such diets, it often happens that you quickly regain the lost weight.

Protein helps to reduce your waist size. However, use them with common sense.

  • Always choose to get the most protein from plant sources. For example, think of vegetables, nuts, avocado, etc.
  • Get the proteins from eggs as well as from cheese and fish.
  • Try to eat as little meat as possible. Especially avoid beef. However, make sure that every meal still contains some protein.

Healthy fats speed up your metabolism and also help you lose weight. So make sure that healthy fats are included in your diet. For example, think of:

  • cold pressed vegetable oil
  • avocado oil
  • oil made from nuts and seeds
Your slim waist back with healthy fats and proteins

3. Do not sit for more than 45 minutes at a time

A sedentary lifestyle makes you fat, especially around the waist. Sitting for hours and hours at a time contributes to weight gain around the abdomen. In addition, it is harmful to your health in the long run.

To avoid this, and you want your slim waist back, you can set the alarm every 45 minutes. That way, you’re reminding yourself that you need to get up from your chair and move in some way.

It is highly recommended that you do moderate-intensity exercise at least twice a week to keep your whole body moving.

It is also important that you maintain good posture, because if the lumbar part of your body weakens, it will also widen your waist.

4. Massages around the waist

In some cases there is insufficient circulation or fluid accumulation in the abdomen. Regular massages can really help lose some of that volume.

You can perform dry massages or use oil or lotion. You can also add a few drops of lemon or rosemary essential oil. They will help to get rid of fat. They also promote circulation, as they enhance the effects of massage.

Clay masks are also very efficient. You can use them both during the day and at night.

5. Regulate Your Hormones

Women in the menopause suffer from an increase in the amount of belly fat. But women of any age can experience this, even if they eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise.

There are natural products that help you regulate your hormones:

  • maca root
  • Chasteberry or chastity tree
  • linseed oil
  • Fennel
  • Yam (root tuber)
  • Sage

Continue and follow this step-by-step plan for at least one month. Build it up step by step. You will be amazed to see how your waist size changes. Do you want your slim waist back?

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